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Classic airframes Avro Anson Finished

Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Looking really good Paddy. Bumber that the instructions are lacking so.
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Definitely worth spending time on the office in this one! Now- about those wing joins. Measure and fit some stub spars to fit the wings and mark their positions on the roots. Drill for brass or wire pins adjacent. Butt-glue the spars, then CYA glue in the wire reinforcements. Oughtta do it, but I bet you have already figured a better plan. :lol:
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Still watching this fledgling taking shape . Are you using slow setting CA on those tiny brass bits ?

I used Future for my last build as it flows around the tiny bits quite well.

I don't think I could survive long without blue tack either.

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Fronts of undercarriage bays fitted, filled and blended. Quick squirt of brown to check for smooth finish :)

the join is level with the leading edge :)
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Struggling now :(
i thought i had found a way to fix the wings


A couple of pins in the fuselage and some epoxy adhesive in the wing root......

Well 2 hours on and the 5 min set glue has not set. I am thinking that its made itself an airtight cavern in the wing root and so is not setting. Either way its ousing out the join and gooing up everything.......If this does not set by tomorrow i think it could be beyond saving.
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Not a good sign, epoxy sets due to a chemical reaction, lack of air shouldn't be an issue. Hoping for the best here. If it was me I think I'd just use Tenax or your choice of liquid glues and do a progressive glue around the wing. Go heavy and make sure you get some squeeze out. I think it would be more than strong enough in the end IMHO.
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

What a mess !!!!!!!!!!!!!


The glue didn't go off properly despite the correct 50/50 mix of glue/hardener. suposed to be 5 mins...24 hours later ..lol :laugh:
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

It will be fine, just needs a bit of cleaning up and filler :) ( said the captain of the Titanic) :laugh:
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

Could be one of those 'count to ten' moments... :hmmm

Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

You are not wrong...counted to 10 severalo times so far but back on track and soldering on :) test spray shows a little bit of cleaning up to do on the trailing edge



One thing i would point out for anyone building a CA kit like this. Because there is no vertical surfaces to mate between the wing and fuselage there is no real reference for dihedral. A few thou out on lining up top and bottom wing halves will alter your dihedral when you come to attach to the fuselage so watch for this. The Anson has just 3 degrees dihedral so its basically flat.
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

This has turned into a bit of a salvage job but a coat of paint works wonders :). If i build another CA kit i will be better prepared and it was probably not a great idea to build my first in public. They really are not bad kits, they just need a different approach and i'm positive i could do one justice if i tried again.


Under side is Tamiya gloss aluminium with a coat of smoke and a flat clear all on top of each other while they are still wet so they blend in nicely.


Top side is a std Tamiya RAF green and RAF brown from cans with Blu-Tac and masking tape for masking.
Re: Classic airframes Avro Anson Mk1 1/48

On the contrary Paddy, we can all learn from problems encountered by other builders.

Cheers, Christian B)