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Chris' B-25H and some goodies

It's those little details that the average person doesn't realize that they see that make a super nice model. :v

Mighty Fine Mighty Fine
Tony lee
Thank you everyone . I appreciate the comments. Look in on the my KI-15 build. Interesting little airplane ...!

Cheers, Christian B)
I have spent just a bit of time trying to get the inner components to get along inside the fuselage but as I was working with the nose cone I realized that it would be very difficult to instal the nose strut.
More surgery ! Now, the strut might survive the build. :fencing


Doesn't look like much but I have been very computer challenged since my upgrade :sick:

Would prefer to spend more time with plastic instead. Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks guys for bearing along with my snail like pace. Dusan, you're right this is a good kit. That said I am probably my worst enemy in the build.

Cheers, Christian B)
Ha, everything is finally in place and I was able to close it. One last look and it's going to be permanent.


Just decided on a last minute change while installing the seats. The Eduards instructions are not to be believed. I turned the right hand seat 180 degrees around. They illustrate the long side of the seat as being the bottom part instead of the back. Adjusted the belts accordingly and made a spacer to lift it off the floor !


Finally, all seems right. Bring out the glue and let's close it...


Well, that's all for tonight folks.

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks T. definitely been challenging. Too many little bit crammed into a small space . Worse yet, much of it will not be visible. I just did it as a learning process.
Now, I can move forward again. :pilot

Comments, Welcome....

Cheers, Christian B)
Some small progress to report. I have installed the Ares engine cowls. They have a better profile than the kit ones. However, they are a bit out of round. My attempts at heating them back into shape did not work.
However I did open up the kit cowling gills. It could use some sheet metal ones but too much trouble at this stage.


The upgrade also came with new carburetor intakes. Much nicer shape than the kit also.


Tomorrow, a bit more primer and we're assembling the components.

Cheers, Christian B)
Actually this gap and the rest of the cowl flaps should be replaced by sheet metal but feel too short on time to do it now.
It might be a future update.
