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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


All I ever got to see of the Netherlands was an air force base or two....

Cool critters!

@ Chukw: Come to Cleveland... we have great food and not at LA prices!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Chuk did you say bacon ice cream. I can now die a happy man lol. Went to my wifes class reunion. Still trying to figure out what we spent 50 bucks for. They didnt even include free booze. I had every intention of getting drunk and making a fool of myself lol.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Enjoying my last day of vacation. I will be getting pix from the IPMS show uploaded to my phototbucket account later today.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Yesterday was Fathers' Day here in Brazil, so I woke-up early, went to the supermarket, bought a ton of groceries, put the drinks in the fridge, prepared the meat and other stuff, got the coal burning, barbecued 5 types of meat and cleared everything up at the end of "my" day - we also had some neighbours over. I'm very happy it only happens once a year... :pp :coolio :drinks

Oh! Gotta a pair of slippers too. :dude

Cheers! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Now all you need is a pipe and a smoking jacket, Fernao!! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Seven hours on the road and we're half way home. Spending the night in Pensacola. We'll be hitting the road early tomorrow. Ian has school Wednesday and I go back to work.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

today is my last day sommer holiday :( , and tomorrow I'm starting on gymnasium! :woohoo:

It's going to AWESOME!!! :ro:
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Bob said:
Sounds fun Fernao!
Well... I guess in the end it is fun, Bob. :dude Having friends over for lunch, with your family, is very cool! :coolio Having everyone, including my daughter who is very, very critical of my cooking (I've spoilt her since she was very young :huh: ), praise my food is also very nice :hmmm - no need for a dinner jacket, or bunny slippers, or even plastic glue! :D

Now hear this: last night my wife threw me a surprise party for my 30 years at the company and it was something I will never forget! Bless her heart for reminding of such a lame date and going through the trouble of organizing everything and having me absolutely clueless about what was going on in my own house for the best part of the evening: it took me a very long time to realize what was really going on, as friends of mine came knocking on my door in a steady stream, one after the other for about an hour! :eek:hmy:

It was great fun and very emotional for me, not because of the date, but because my wife and daughter did a wonderful job of bringing the right people in, those guys that really made a difference during the last 30 years of my life. :dude It was a splendid dinner (middle-eastern food), washed down with lots of whiskey, tequila, cachaça, vodka, beer, wine and champangne! :drinks

Sorry for the long post guys, but there are some things that I really feel like sharing with my friends! (y)

Cheers! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

The follow up story was even better! (y)

Sounds Fantastic Fernao!
Family, Good friends, food and drink (and your health) and you have it all!
Happy birthday (and every day)!

Cheers (and I mean it this time),


(I went to the DMV (department of motor vehicles ) today 1/2 an hour before they opened (and I was still 8th in line) to get my driver's license renewed, only to have them announce (just as I'm next) that the computers are down State-wide and that I'm welcome to wait 2 hours or more! I did walk out of there laughing at it all!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

It was my first day back driving after being off for eight days. I used up one of my paid vacation weeks for it.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Awesome Fernao. Really means a lot when you can share a life time with good friends and wonderful family. Most excellent. (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Man bill, good you have a sense of humour. That would be very frustrating. Take a sleeping bag and lawn chair and camp out there tonight. Might be #1 in line :D