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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Thanks James. I don't know, I think I was having a good day and seeing the glass half-full. You have to laugh to keep from screaming. :angry: :laugh:
Talk about dumb luck. I was planning on going back tomorrow, but I heard the nice lady say to another "guest", "We are closed tomorrow morning for a staff meeting".
Sometimes you get the bear, sometimes the bear gets you. :idonno

Model on,

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hey Bill, I don't know where you are but NC. started taking reservations.

Just a thought . And yes, they are such a cheery bunch :sick:

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

(I went to the DMV (department of motor vehicles ) today 1/2 an hour before they opened (and I was still 8th in line) to get my driver's license renewed, only to have them announce (just as I'm next) that the computers are down State-wide and that I'm welcome to wait 2 hours or more! I did walk out of there laughing at it all!

That reminds me of 12 years ago when i had to visit the INS office in Miami for my papers (that i never got) First going in to that neighbourhood (little havanna) and find parking for my car.. had to leave the key to a guy at a parking lot so he could move it if needed, then waiting in a line that was going all around the block (i was there in very good time) and i think 4 hours later after getting thue the security control (big guy with gun and bad attitude) then they just say sorry you need to fill in another paper :vmad
coming out, picking up the car, the guy is gone and my car is the only one left (keys under the carpet!!) driving home to fill out the papers and then going back another day..... do i need to say i never got my work permit, and after all this i went back to Sweden.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well sitting here reading the posts and having a coffee and freezing and wondering were the sun is. It cant be that late in the year already where the sun doesnt come up till I go to work can it??
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Don't you just L O V E paperwork!? Several years back some schlub at DMV issued me my license, for 1 year instead of 4. I didn't pay attention and two years later was cited for expired license. Pay the
Man, Shirley!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

(I went to the DMV (department of motor vehicles ) today 1/2 an hour before they opened (and I was still 8th in line) to get my driver's license renewed, only to have them announce (just as I'm next) that the computers are down State-wide and that I'm welcome to wait 2 hours or more! I did walk out of there laughing at it all!

That reminds me of 12 years ago when i had to visit the INS office in Miami for my papers (that i never got) First going in to that neighbourhood (little havanna) and find parking for my car.. had to leave the key to a guy at a parking lot so he could move it if needed, then waiting in a line that was going all around the block (i was there in very good time) and i think 4 hours later after getting thue the security control (big guy with gun and bad attitude) then they just say sorry you need to fill in another paper :vmad
coming out, picking up the car, the guy is gone and my car is the only one left (keys under the carpet!!) driving home to fill out the papers and then going back another day..... do i need to say i never got my work permit, and after all this i went back to Sweden.
I wished you would have come to Oklahoma Mats, you could have stayed at my place.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Saratoga opened an office in the mall...and except that one day where I had to wait in line to get a number so I could be in line, I have had nothing but good experiences...guess it is just a matter of when you get there. :idonno

Heading back into school today to sort out my orders and all the specimens we are using for the year. Also got to get my copies for the first few weeks of school in to the copy room before the mad rush. It has been a great vacation, but this year is going to be a doosie...my most challenging yet...with all special ed classes (usually only have 2...)...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Glad you like it,guys. :)

.....nobody noticed something strange in the last picture? :D

You mean other than the nose dived airplane...no.

So what's up with that?

Really great pictures Ron :coolio :drinks

Aah yeah,the nose dived airplane.
Think it's supposed to be funny modern art.Seems a bit out off place in a historical place like Brugge.

My Anja made some collages about Brugge,...might as well share it.





Hi Ron, yes it's very nice there and alot of old houses to look at, and the boat-trips on the canals are very nice (y) .
But did you stop at Verbrugghe modelbouw? it must be one of Belgiums most well supplied modelstores :D we have a trip planned to there for picking up the stone for Rasmus grave, and i think there will be a stop at the modelstore to (you pass just infront of it when you go into Brugge).
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Love the collages Ron. Anja did some nice work there. Really must save and come over to see the sites.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


(I went to the DMV (department of motor vehicles ) today 1/2 an hour before they opened (and I was still 8th in line) to get my driver's license renewed, only to have them announce (just as I'm next) that the computers are down State-wide and that I'm welcome to wait 2 hours or more! I did walk out of there laughing at it all!

Add edit: I tried again today. Arrived 20 minutes before they opened. I was 4th in line. First in line for my window when they opened the doors at 8:00 am. Paid exact change. Photo, thumb print. Couldn't pass the vision test without my glasses (Rats!, but it really doesn't matter 'cause I wear them all the time anyway.) I was in my car driving home at 8:14. Lady luck strikes again!


Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Way to go, Bill! :dude I could never had done that here, in Brazil - too much red tape!!! :vmad

Cheers! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I was at the Hospital for my compensation and pension exam ( about the 50th this year) and I was feeling pretty good until the Dr. started playing slots with my bum leg. All this for an extra 20% and tax exemption status.... I wont complain, Too much.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Ouch, I hear you. You guys get tax free status when injured?
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

if you qualify for 80% VA disability they can screen you for 100%. All VA disability is tax free... I think Paul is working on a Social Security claim...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am working on the unplayability and then the tax exemption. Sales tax etc,etc. Another benefit for 100%.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hi Ron, yes it's very nice there and alot of old houses to look at, and the boat-trips on the canals are very nice (y) .
But did you stop at Verbrugghe modelbouw? it must be one of Belgiums most well supplied modelstores :D we have a trip planned to there for picking up the stone for Rasmus grave, and i think there will be a stop at the modelstore to (you pass just infront of it when you go into Brugge).

Guess what,Mats...was at the store...was closed that day! :bang head
I was really looking forward to the modelshop,...o well Brugge was nice to. :)

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Ahh!! i feel for you Ron that's sucks when you stand infront of a locked door to the source of Styrene heaven, and you see all the things thrue the windows!!
Better luck next time (or check the opening hours!).
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sorry for your mishap, Ron. :( It's so frustrating when you can almost touch the stuff, but can't get to it... :vmad

Last time I was in Paris, some 3 odd years ago, my daughter and I took a room in a hotel 50 meters from this shop. Unfortunately at that time I wasn't thinking of going plastic again, so I didn't buy anything, but do I remember I went crazy with all the offerings they had :woohoo: - I remember looking at PE and resin kits without really knowing what they were for, all kinds of paints, brushes, equipments, tools and other hobby stuff... I was in awe, as I had never seen so many models under the same roof! :eek:hmy: You guys may be used to that kind of store, but I surely wasn't! :blink

I'm pretty sure that if Chris (phantom II) ever saw their basement, he would just flip with the sheer number of amazing choices of airplane models to be found there! :gogo If any of you ever go visit Paris, you must stop by EOL, albeit their prices are not to be considered "bon marché" (cheap, non expensive)... :hmmm

Cheers! B)