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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I had a busy weekend. Friday I filled order and built a frame for my Gator's Masks banner. Saturday the wife and I took Ian to the Marshland Festival to listen to the live music. We got him right up next to the stage and he loved it. Judd Bares, who was playing at the time and is a friend of ours even gave Ian a shout out from the stage.

Here's one of the many times Ian told either my wife or me that the band was playing musical instruments.


Spent part of yesterday bottling 16 dozen bottles of Gator Glue in preparation for the IPMS Nationals. Spent the other part fighting with an ornery push mower while trying to get the yard cut. :vmad
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I moved things around and put some stuff away in the hobby room. Now I can even see my bench!!!!!! I'm going to take a deep breath and blow the dust off. Then restart some long put up projects :yipee

I have 14 Sherman projects started, some need tracks a weathering and I can call it good. Thanks to Mr T with the Sherman campaign suggestion, I think I will start and try to knock a couple out now that the "Sherman Plague" running wild! :eek:hyeah

Catch you later

Plague!!! Shermans are not a Plague! If you are working on Shermans that just means you are getting closer to enlightenment. :zen

Terry :laugh:
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Yo Mike...

... you got it wrong: mugg shots are supposed to be put here - https://www.modelersalliance.com/forum/modelers-lounge/21966-show-us-your-mugg.

"Hope that helps"! ;)

Cheers! B)
Fernao - your caring Brazilian buddy... :D
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Buy a goat...yard problem solved.

Hey IAN!!!! :mpup
Is you crazy? The German Shepherd will try to nom on its head and the schnauzer will want to boss it around because he can't boss the shepherd who is nomming on his head!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well tried to make an oriental dish tonight. Flank steak marinated in sake, oriental pear, soya, garlic and shallots and then grilled. Cut into fine strips and served with rice and lettuce leaves to fold it into. Dressed with the reserved marinade. Man it tasted good. Wife even gave a rare "I like it" :D

Now watching the sky turn black as the storm forms. Still under a severe weather watch and still hot and humid. Should be an awesome light and sound show tonight if my joints are telling the truth.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Wow... made my mouth water, James! :woohoo: I'm a bit of a cook myself and oriental is always a nice choice, specially the sweet'n sour stuff (shouldn't really call it stuff, should I...?). :hmmm

Anyway, I'm a "heavy weather lover" too and I passed that love on to my daughter who loves to sit on our veranda with me during storms, just watching the "som et lumière" show that Nature sometimes puts on for us for free... beautiful and mighty stuff, eh?!? :eek:hmy: :notworthy

Cheers and have fun tonight! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Man, I wish I could be there for that storm! I love a good storm; it's been a good long while since I've enjoyed one.

Get pics!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I planned to do modeling all weekend,...didn't happen.
The one I call 'Mrs Recon' used her veto right,..we just had to go outdoors in this sunny weather.

So we went to several places this weekend,one of them the nature reserve called Schinveldse bossen.
It was good to be outside,no regret. :)
I leave you some pics;

You can find Scottish Highlanders [there can be only ONE] :laugh: in the woods at that place,it's recomended to keep a save 25 meters distance to these animals,but it's hard when you turn a corner and they stand right in front of you...



Inside the Schinveldse bossen there is a site called Nonke Buusjke,brings you back in time...





Was a good weekend to be outside here!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Very very cool Ron. Boy do I ever want to go back to Europe and explore.Thanks very much for the pics. :D
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Very very cool Ron. Boy do I ever want to go back to Europe and explore.Thanks very much for the pics. :D

If you ever would make it back and have the chance to go to the Netherlands...just let me know!
I am more then happy to be your guide. :coolio

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

It looks like you had a good day, Ron! (y) :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Cool pics Ron. Thanks for the vicarious trip.
( I'm detailing my wife's Honda CRV (car) for sale. Got a buyer coming over to look at it today. Wish me luck)


Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Weeellll hello, there Mrs Hair Cow! :laugh:

Bill, detailing a car is its own reward- cheers!

We went with friends to LA Food & Wine downtown at the Nokia Center. Holy moley- all you can eat and drink, all kinds of wine, some beer (keep the glass) and food from the hands of celebrity chefs. So much for the rest of the day! Bacon ice cream and a a brownie- amazing! Getting handed a Moscow Mule as you walk in the door- amazing! I'll be passing out soon- cheers!
