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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

The only thing worse, that I can think of, would be guarding B-52 bombers @ Grand Forks in the middle of January.

Hey, at least the guards got cold weather mitts. Us loaders had to wear wool gloves..brrrr man!!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Went to Minot once, it was down right pleasant compared to GFAFB.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

happy belated birthday ian! :mpup

my condolences to you and your wife chuk!


....Will be gone for some days on a short vacation.I might take some pictures back you guys might find interesting. :D

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Not doing much today. Currently sitting at work, trying very hard to not fall asleep at my desk while I work on something that I'm tired of working on.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Just having a coffee at work and trying to decide if I should go and buy a new tackle box and gear on the way home seeing as my new box with all new kit drove home with someone else this weekend :vmad . I guess if I want to go out on Sunday I should find the funds :(
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Not doing much today. Currently sitting at work, trying very hard to not fall asleep at my desk while I work on something that I'm tired of working on.
Ditto, and my job is supposed to be fun. :bang head

Ian says "Thanks". Okay, not really. He just covers his eyes and gets bashful but I want to say thank you.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Why Not Minot?
Its cold I'm told
But freezin the reason...

I got augmented to bomber guard when I was stationed at Plattsburgh... just once... I was an E-4 and NCOIC of my shop and supposedly immune from this detail... the first sgt. didn't care for me so he detailed me to everything he could...

Well, the CO came into my office the next morning and asked where I had been... no one knew... I handed him the detail letter...

Once was enough... Fo course, it was in January and about -40° ... a right balmy day in P-burgh!


90° in the trees where its shady, 110° in the hot sun... The "real feel" where I live is 100°... the dog refuses to go for a walk... can't really blame her... she doesn't have shoes to protect her paws...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Don't remember it being that cold in Plattsburgh...but I do remember how wide open that flight line was ;)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Not doing much today. Currently sitting at work, trying very hard to not fall asleep at my desk while I work on something that I'm tired of working on.
Ditto, and my job is supposed to be fun. :bang head

Ian says "Thanks". Okay, not really. He just covers his eyes and gets bashful but I want to say thank you.

:blush: :blush: (y)

Grand Forks war stories?

Winter was 9 months and Summer was 3, in one weeks time there was a 100 degree variance from High to Lows, like -20f to 80f and it didn't stop at 80, there was like ten days in a row the high was triple digit.

Saw a KC125 pivot on it's axis, the tarmac was frozen over and a cross wind was blowing over. They had it chocked but it just turned into a big ol' dang weather vane just like it's designed to do.

Saw hydraulic fluid freeze. Pressure valve blew on a lift trailer, dead of winter again, and the stream squirted out about 10 feet and when it hit the ground...it bounced like little frozen peas. BRRR MAN!

Then there was the time we had to leave the barracks out the second floor window to get to the chow hall, least the CE dug out the chow hall first!!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

The day I got to Plattsburgh (FEb 1976) it was -63° with the wind chill... Twin Otters landed at the Airport, shut down their starboard engines and could not take off again. That Easter it was 91°... a week later we had 8' of snow... I do not miss Plattsburgh.

Plus Ex#1 was from Peru... neve make that mistake again.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

LMAO...yeah...Peru women were tricky...dated one once ;). Loved growing up there but once the base closed, it became a ghost town. Was happy to move two hours south to Saratoga Springs.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You man it wasn't a ghost town before? :coolio

The college girls were snobs and the locals... well... I got the distinct feeling that the locals didn't like he airmen...

I played soccer goalie for the base, in a local league, and cannot count the number of times I got flattened in the box... even had one guy from Chazy break my nose.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well...can't say much for those livng near the base, but my family were appreciative ;). My dads side lived on Johnson Ave. near OLVA...but we lived in Morrisonville...used to love hearing the Stratotankers and FB-111s flying over as I grew up. Yeah...there's some inbreeding going on in Chazy to be sure ;)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sign outside of Beaufort MCAS "That 'Noise' You Hear Is The Sound Of Freedom". Guessing they had complaints at one time.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I had this whole day of modeling planned. All my work was finished by 11 this morning. Quickly jumped into a nice warm bath put on some nice loose clothes and was on my way to the bench for the first time in weeks


My one client is at a trade show and some of the other exibitors asked them who made their marketing material. So The lady organised a last minute large format printer that can supply her some posters and Rollabanners and asked me if I can do some designs for it.

:bang head :bang head :bang head

Ah well at least even people from the other side of the country like what I do and the money is good.