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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Carol used to work for Colonial Williamsburg... If you get the chance eat at Christina Campbell's Tavern... the food is magnificent.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Yesterday we were blessed to celebrate another birthday with our son Ian. We don't do big parties, the autistic traits of his brain damage makes it uncomfortable for him. We go to a local mexican restaurant an he wears a sombrero and the wait staff sing happy birthday.


A double layer, white on the bottom, chocolate on the top, Texas Rangers baseball cake.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Back from ComicCon! It was a great show- my 20th or so. When I was first starting out, it was a way to find my next year's freelance work- a frenzy of networking, drawing sketches to pay the bills, etc. Now I can go and concentrate more on giving back, chatting people up up, spreading the good word, etc. More like a vacation in a huge concrete box filled with 130,000 nerds. Whew!

On a sad note, we came home to find that Marc's elderly aunt had passed away late this morning. She had a lived a long life in a loving family, and has quietly gone to her rest. Plans are still being made, so we're keeping our schedule open. Life gives and it takes.

Con pics- my wife and a GI Joe bike prop


I interview a propective intern...


Our studio created this guy- and the Sith Master as well!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Cool stuff Chuck. Sorry to hear about your wife's Aunt.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

[sup]BAZINGA ![/sup] :laugh:

Chuck I think your wife fancies herself on that bike.

Sorry to hear of your loss . Christian
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Carol used to work for Colonial Williamsburg... If you get the chance eat at Christina Campbell's Tavern... the food is magnificent.

Barney...I will look into it...with my wee ones being vegetarians, we are somewhat limited at times on where we can go eat. Made it down here fine...the A/C and Wifi work just fine ;). Nice little place...trying to decide if I can fit a museum trip into all the Busch Gardens and Water Country USA fun...anyone know anything about the US Army Transportation Museum exhibits at Ft. Eustis?? Tried to find what's there but other than a list of the aircraft, I've got nothing on the other stuff...might do either that or the Virginia War Museum...

Thinking of doing Yorktown with the kids since they enjoy the Saratoga Battlefield near our home so much...or maybe Jamestown...decisions decisions

Kenny...great to see him happy...Happy Birthday Ian!

Chuck...my condolences to you and your wife.

Some of my students from last year would be jealous of your time at ComicCon...they are really into that stuff...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Other than the passing of the aunt, happy news all around!

Happy belated birthday Ian!

Enjoy the vacation Mike!

Talent in the family is always good Dave!

Condolences to those she left behind, Chuk.

I hope I did not miss anyone.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

2 museums at Fort Lee in Petersburg... US Army Woman's Museum and US Army Quartermaster Museum. Both are worth seeing.

The QM museum has some great stuff... Far better than those slackers in transportation. I, of course was a QM officer! :soldier

As we used to say... You cannot Fly without Supply.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Back from ComicCon! It was a great show- my 20th or so. When I was first starting out, it was a way to find my next year's freelance work- a frenzy of networking, drawing sketches to pay the bills, etc. Now I can go and concentrate more on giving back, chatting people up up, spreading the good word, etc. More like a vacation in a huge concrete box filled with 130,000 nerds. Whew!

On a sad note, we came home to find that Marc's elderly aunt had passed away late this morning. She had a lived a long life in a loving family, and has quietly gone to her rest. Plans are still being made, so we're keeping our schedule open. Life gives and it takes.

Chuck, my condolences on your loss. I recently attended a wake for a friend's father who passed recently and whom I also knew well.

When you went to Comicon, did you by chance see the HMGS wargaming booth run by the St. Crispin's Irregulars? That's another group I'm part of and was supposed to go to Comicon to help them. That was before I realized it was happening on my Anniversary....

Ian, Happy Birthday! :yipee

Mike, sounds like you're having a great vacation. I would highly recommend Jamestown. I went there as a kid and still remember it fondly. I think you'll like it and your kids will too.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Jamestown has gotten SO much better! New center and a glass bottomed house to view original foundations... Really a great place. Also, Yorktown is fantastic! Take the guided tour!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Two steps forward, one step back...Two steps forward, one step back...Two steps forward, one step back...linking up two buildings with fiber optics and IT Karma wasn't cooperating today. Two buildings were about 600 feet apart, outside...back and forth...back and forth...back and forth...back and forth. 95f with like 130%humidity. :melting

But Job finished :pilot

Tired puppy....:mpup
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

The only thing worse, that I can think of, would be guarding B-52 bombers @ Grand Forks in the middle of January.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Guarding the SAC birds that were at McDill in the driving rain ( mini monsoons ) did not look like a lot of fun either. :soldier