My apologies for not posting anything for quite some time, but I've been fighting several illnesses that all hit me one after another; sometimes even running concurrently. Every time I thought I was recovering fine, everything came rushing back to me; beating me down harder than before. After several trips to the Doc and two different antibiotics; I've finally recovered enough to start posting something here for now.
Some of this is actually work that I got done before I got sick, but never had the chance to post until now. Once I recovered enough to start building again, I got so fed up with the crap all over my workbench that I went to work cleaning it up. This has been a major effort that is still underway.
I'll start with one of the train cars for one of my two Russian armored trains that I started to do before. I got the top and bottom attached and clamped it to dry:
You can also see the two turrets for this car that were assembled and sanding a bit to improve the look on them.
After it dried, I dry-fit the turrets to see how well they looked:
I still have a lot of photo etch to add to this, but first, I taped off the top and added Mr. Surfacer 500 to the joint so I can fill the joint and sand it smooth without losing all the surface detail on the top half of this train car:
Next up is another model I got more progress on before I got sick. This is my Russian T-90 with the welded turret. I got the turret assembled and added the main gun:
Next I went to work on the upper hull. I added all the extra parts and the side skirts to this. Here you can see it test fit to the lower hull:
Later on, I completed the turret, adding all the smoke dischargers and the Schtora fixtures. Here it is all complete except for tracks; ready for paint:
In between these other two projects, I spent some 'down time' sanding and smoothing out this C-46 to get it ready for paint. I also had added the horizontal stabilizers on the tail and have been sanding and filling and sanding seams forever to get this ready for paint:
Now, after several weeks of trying to clean and organize my Hobby Room, I'm still not quite done enough to do anything there, but an opportunity arose to go to the Hobby Day Hall for some modeling time. So Maddog Manufacturing started up again briefly in a satellite plant to make some progress on a couple models while the main plant is still undergoing renovations. Unfortunately, due to the demands of a comission job I took on some months back; I was only able to get work done on one model before it was time to head home.
This is the IBG Diamond T cargo truck that I was able to start at the satellite plant. I got the chassis partly completed along with the engine:
After that, I started on the cab, getting the interior done and the main hood on the front:
That's about all I will do on that until I can paint the interior. Then I'll move on.
As for that commission job? A friend has the Starship Troopers board game that has a ton of miniature Starship Troopers and Bugs (Arachnids for those fans of the movies) that needed to be built and painted.
Well, they got built, for the most part:
There are still a number of accouterments that need to be added to most of the troopers, but the bugs are done. Now to finish the troopers and get everything painted so I can get paid for this job.
That's about all I have to show. I'm still working on the Hobby Room, so I'm not sure when I'll be able to post any progress again, but stay tuned. I do hope to be able to resume production soon.
Thanks all for looking in, comments are welcome.