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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Good luck on that mission Sir! Watch out, the opposition is digging in, you'll have to bring in the Big Guns. Dose them well before you send in the troops. :soldier

Friday I spent pressure washing the sidewalk of St. Boniface Church during their annual church cleanup day. There were 40+ people there and so much got done.

Saturday I helped my friend disassemble a pool table in his Knights of Columbus Hall so we could get it off the floor. Someone is coming in tomorrow to refinish the wooden floors in the Hall so this thing needed to be gotten up off the floor.

Sunday I rested and today, I went to a chiropractor to get my back put back into place again after all that work. I also got more business cards ordered that will be done on Thursday. Now to relax the rest of the day.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

It was a bitter struggle... I checked every Target I could get to... they only carry adult Sock Monkey PJs

Meanwhile, I was at a total standstill at work. The program we use was frozen all day, but only for teachers... HATE IT!

Meanwhile, I have been thinking of sending a "request" to my niece (who is stationed in Japan) to pick up a couple of models that are not available in the USA... any suggestions? 1/48 only
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Anyone heard of a Movie called "Bad day at Black Rock" .... very old Black & white goodie ..... (showing my age) .......

Yesterday I had plans, ..... then Verizon reared it's ugly head ..... told me that they were gonna cut me off my new DSL ... :facepalm .... I've only had it for 20 days. Well instead of getting everything done that was scheduled .. :S ... I spent the day trying to find the Horse's Head, ... :facepalm ... :frantic .... I'm paying my ISP for DSL ..... Verizon says they are providing it .... but all they did is lower the cost of my Freedom essential's Package ...... I'm still paying the same just lower phone cost..... So about 6 PM I Fired Them !!! :good: ....... I will now have my telephone provided by Vonage for 9.99 for six months Black Friday Sale .....

I did manage to get the pantry cleaned & some ridged foam board cut for my train table at home .... I had borrowed it for the dogs house insulation earlier .....

Now I bought a straight talk wireless phone from wally-world ..... I spent another hour talking to a twelve year old (sounded like) ..... No ofence must of been a newbie .... found out I'm stuck with them even though I found a cheaper plan online I think after the phone is activated I can switch it to tracfone android .... I hope .... I really hate the phone companies ..... Why can't I communicate .. :facepalm .... That's all I want to do ...... :good:
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

St Pete, don't you call him, cauz' he can't go... he owes his soul to some company store!

I have changed my plan 3 times in the last 6 months with AT&T. I now get more data and service than I used to for $50 a month less... It helps that the store manager was in the USAF and is also a disabled vet.

All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Today I am recovering from the removal of all 4 of my wisdom teeth. Been trying to get this done for several years, and just couldn't ever make it work, but today I finally did. Was originally supposed to go on the 12th to have them removed, but when I went in on Tuesday for the initial consultation, I asked about getting in earlier. They said they didn't have any openings, but I could be put on a cancellation list in case an opening came up. Sure enough, yesterday morning got a call asking if I could come in today to have it done, and I jumped on it.

Taking a couple days off from work, but most likely I'll have to do some work from home this weekend once I start feeling better, but I'm greatful to have that option, so I ended up not having to use any vacation time to get this taken care of.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

So I"m guessin' you're on some pretty heavy duty pain pills. DANG! All 4?
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Got a scrip for Hydrocodone, that I will be taking regularly in an attempt to stay ahead of the pain that I know w/o any doubt will be surfacing in the next few hours.

I figured if I was going to go in and have it done, I wanted all 4 done so that I didnt have to deal with it again. I know it used to be the norm that only 2 were done at a time, but its normal now to have all 4 done at once. My wife had her's removed about 15 years ago, right after we had started dating, and they did all 4 then.

So I"m guessin' you're on some pretty heavy duty pain pills. DANG! All 4?
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Interesting. I had only two come in so they took them out one at a time; mostly because mine weren't causing any problems. Mine came out easy; I didn't even need painkillers afterwards. I was a bit sensitive, but that was about it. I count myself lucky.

Glad you're doing okay Adam. Enjoy the time off.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Interesting how dentist just love to remove them. Must be easy money.

I still have all of mine and have not had any problems. Why remove them when they are fine :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Today I was having a rough day. Since my church will be having a Christmas boutique and bake sale, I figured I'd relax a bit and do some baking.

I did three apple pies... from scratch, except for the filling. I didn't have time to prepare the filling the way I like to do it:


After this I did the lattice top... the RIGHT way!


Here they are all finished:


Two of these are going to my church's Christmas Boutique and Bake Sale. The other will be enjoyed by me and my wife.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Wow, that looks way more appealing than dental surgery (y) (y) (y)

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Interesting how dentist just love to remove them. Must be easy money.

I still have all of mine and have not had any problems. Why remove them when they are fine :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)

Same here, have all of mine. They have never given me any issues at all.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Interesting how dentist just love to remove them. Must be easy money.

I still have all of mine and have not had any problems. Why remove them when they are fine :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)

Same here, have all of mine. They have never given me any issues at all.

My question really comes from the fact that I have met several people who's wisdom teeth seemed perfectly fine but were pulled out just for GP.
Makes no sense to me :idonno

Cheers, Christian B)
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

My problem is difrent I am 44 and I still have no wisdom teeth (No wisdom either :blush: )
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

SA Dave... You said it... not us! :yipee

I had 2 pulled in college (the day before a soccer match) and then when I got to Plattsburgh AFB, they puled 4 more teeth... I always was an over-achiever! They had to pull 2 teeth to get to the impacted ones underneath... I looked like a damn chip monk for a week... Luckily, I worked nights. This is also when I learned that I could not tolerate narcotics... They gave me codeine and it just about killed me... :sick:

I was out of it yesterday with my back... mutter mutter.... and then daughter #2 flight was delayed 12 hours... She got caught up in the flooding north of SFO... Of course she arrived in Ohio without a warm coat ($89) socks ($12.50) gloves/mittens ($50) and so on.... Merry Christmas, Daddy!

She just got her Christmas....
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

SA Dave... You said it... not us! :yipee

I had 2 pulled in college (the day before a soccer match) and then when I got to Plattsburgh AFB, they puled 4 more teeth... I always was an over-achiever! They had to pull 2 teeth to get to the impacted ones underneath... I looked like a damn chip monk for a week... Luckily, I worked nights. This is also when I learned that I could not tolerate narcotics... They gave me codeine and it just about killed me... :sick:

I was out of it yesterday with my back... mutter mutter.... and then daughter #2 flight was delayed 12 hours... She got caught up in the flooding north of SFO... Of course she arrived in Ohio without a warm coat ($89) socks ($12.50) gloves/mittens ($50) and so on.... Merry Christmas, Daddy!

She just got her Christmas....


I'm in the same boat as you when it comes to narcotics. I was given Vicodin once. All it did was make me ill and caused me to puke :sick:
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Thanks guys. I only had 1 of them that was actually an active problem, the lower right. Instead of coming in straight up, it was coming in at a forward 45° angle, pushing against the molar in front of it. B/c of that, it had created a massive cavity on the wisdom tooth, as well as forming one on the molar in front of it.

The other 3 were coming in fairly normal, but b/c they were there, its caused all of my teeth to be crammed together, including an upper front tooth that ended up coming in behind the other teeth b/c there wasn't enough room for it w/ the wisdom teeth shoving everything forward.

Now that they're gone, hopefully in the spring I'll begin to look at the long drawn out process of getting braces to straighten everything out, and get the front tooth pulled into position. When I went to the dentist I'm at now, in September for the first time, we discussed braces, and it looks like its probably gonna take about 3 years to get it all straightened out, so close to double the normal time for braces, but it will be worth it. Only problem is I don't expect my dental insurance to cover any of it b/c in adults braces are generally considered cosmetic.
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

A good orthodontist can write the script so that it becomes a medical necessity. Poor mastication, heath issues, chronic pain... I have friends who fought it out with their insurance companies... it is going to take some effort... also.. look into Dixie Dental... I have heard they are pretty good...
All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sorry to hear about that Adam! Biggest problem I had with getting a molar removed a while back was a dry socket ( which ached like :evil: ) and then keeping food out of the hole. :sick:

Have had a rather trying week. Got back from my trip to Tulsa sunday evening. About a half hour after getting back while unpacking, Harley came up to me with a rather scared weird look on his face.

Took him to the vet the next morning. Turned out he needed surgery quickly! :eek:hmy: His spleen had twisted and needed removal. Turns out this and the stomach can flip in dogs like in horses. Doesn't happen often, but can happen.

Good thing is he is back home now, doing well and having to wear "The Cone of Shame".
