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Aichi B7A2 Grace By Sword Model

Looking good Christian,

That sailor talk must be working if you're beating it into submission! Keep it up!


Well it is a Navy airplane but I don't know bad words in Japanese .

Actually not as bad as my original though. The marking bit goes a long ways . I did forget make a new sprue piece :rotf .

Tomorrow, I'll clean off the clear bits and soak them in Future . :drinks
Thanks Randy . Guess I've been fighting with them a long time but it's fun to have a good one now and then :D

Cheers , Christian B)
Hi guys and thank you for the warm fuzzies ! :D

This will most likely on the Grace for a while. The cockpit is done and the transparencies are drying.


As you can see , antennae has been made and installed . Seat belts front and back.


and some instruments for the bombardier :drinks

Gonna park it for a while so tha I can work on the other builds. Cheers, Christian
Tiny update . Started attaching the canopy pieces since I'm waiting on goodies for the Dinah.


Maybe more progress tomorrow :)

Cheers, Christian B)
That looks very cool. I'd do one in 1/32 if they came out. Looking at the wing to fuse fit the tab doesnt seem like enough. Will it hold up alright do you think once its joined?
Well, that's a perfectly good question . There's a very limited amount of plastic in the fuselage for pinning .

I guess I'll have to make sure I have a good mating surface between the wings and fuselage . Hope it'll melt sufficiently .

If not, I'll just have to come up with a plan B. :sick:

Thanks for looking in :)

Cheers, Christian B)
Thank you everyone ! :) This one is sitting while I work on the Dinah but tonight while some paint cures I'll post a small update to this beast.

The wings went on pretty well but even with my best efforts I still wound up with this nasty gap on the right wing :(


But soon I overcame that when on the way to the garage it broke off my paint stick and took a spiral toward the floor.
Fortunately my past soccer experience saved it from a brutal landing. Minus a tail plane.

Repaired , I primed it . Now it sits waiting for more paint . :D


Thanks for looking.

Cheers, Christian B)
Kick save and a beauty!

Here's a couple of Grace to lift the morale.



I wondered where that loud burst of curses I heard yesterday came from. :laugh: Carry on! :pilot
Nice save Chris!

Thanks guy . Lucky to have saved it . This is a heavy model for it's size.

This is the second time I've had this problem with a Jap plane in this part of the house.

I need to look into the Boiling Springs triangle and figure out the gravity surge.

Not all was lost in last year's George disaster . Pieces are being used for the Dinah paint test . :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)