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US Navy Brig Lawrence at the height of the battle of Lake Erie. From whence comes the battle cry of "Don't give up the Ship" By her Captain, Oliver Hazard Perry. OHP transferred his flag from the battered Lawrence to her sister Niagara to continue the fight. The Royal Navy was soundly defeated on 10 September. "We have met The Enemy and he is ours." also originated from this same battle.

I start with the sheer of the deck. then build down to the waterline. Shaping the outside of the hull follows. For once I won't bore the dog-snot out of you guys with every minute construction detail. Model ships seem to have a rather narrow appeal among modelers.

The super glue gap filling method in it's smallest possible application.

Next, "Attack of the 99 Luftballoons" or installing bulwarks. not quite 99 were required this time!

Marking gun port locations, stern bulkhead and bows contours. the 1813 USS Niagara is a well documented vessel, so references abound. Her replica sails from Erie Pennsylvania in fair weather and is the State Ship of Pennsylvania.
Now, this is a bonus for model sailing ship kit makers. Niagara and Lawrence were built side by side on Presque Isle and launched within days of one another. Both Brigs or "Snows" carried 18 32-pound Carronades and 2 12-pound long guns.
They are twins. Same Ship. Different Day!
One Master. TWO models!!

This means every enthusiastic 1/700 waterline sailing ship model maker (both of them) may build both famous War of 1812 US Navy ships!
Thanks again for looking in!