Re:1/32 P-38M
Wow. Hi there Harv. Sorry to have missed the last few weeks, but my lady type friend has been keeping me veeeerrrry busy. And all I can say is Owwwww in relation to the spilling the Tenax. But it is great to have friends that will send you a new boom. But I think it was still a saveable situation so long as you weren't heading towards a NMF on the beauty. Either way, it looks like it is still going to be a stunner.
Gary B)
And now this looks really cool and interesting.
sharkmouth wrote:
The first thing I noticed was that it was from lovely sunny happy Burbank, Ca.
. A truly great place to be. But then it was like, ummmm, what the heck is that. I know that the Blue Angels never flew in P-38's, so that is out. In fact neither the Navy or U.S.M.C. also never flew the P-38 so that answer is gone. And that only leaves one possibility that I am aware of here. And that is the color points straight to an F-4, or the P-38 as a photo recon bird.It doesn't really make much sence that they would go out and procure "special" paint just to coat something that is only going to sit on the tarmac at the Burbank municipal airport for training of future airplane mechinicalarist types. I figger that they gave them a PR version of the P-38 just incase there were even small diffrences in the diffrent mark. But who knows. It's all cool just seeing somehting like that all opened up so we can see how jampacked every square inch of space of room was taken up with something in an airplane.
Wow. Hi there Harv. Sorry to have missed the last few weeks, but my lady type friend has been keeping me veeeerrrry busy. And all I can say is Owwwww in relation to the spilling the Tenax. But it is great to have friends that will send you a new boom. But I think it was still a saveable situation so long as you weren't heading towards a NMF on the beauty. Either way, it looks like it is still going to be a stunner.
Gary B)
And now this looks really cool and interesting.
sharkmouth wrote:
Old Lockheed advertisement.
The first thing I noticed was that it was from lovely sunny happy Burbank, Ca.