All these are excellent kits! The Panther is dated, but still a fine model. The M-41 is my favorite tank. All your options seem like good ones!
Where will you move to?
I make a few ship models on water bases at
There are lots of materials to use to make convincing water.
Saran wrap over painted Scluter System shower board, for example, makes an interesting texture for calm seas.

This base has been used in quite a few "At Sea" pictures.

MiG acrylic water thinned with Windex and textured with a dinky spatula and overcoated with Future. What? you can't see the 1/700 scale boat?

How about now, in 1/350 scale? Better?

Sometimes a pdf printed on glossy photo paper is a dandy starting place.

The textured, translucent blue water sheet is commonly used for TLAR box art pictures. There are lots of water possibilities!
Clear epoxy resin can be troublesome for larger ocean bases, but it's great for streams, and puddles.
My 2 bits again.
As we speak, I have 6 projects going at the same time. 3 of them are 1/700 sailing vessels.
You can't rush the chemicals.
Busy Hands are Happy Hands!