A Dual Project Updated October 4th, 2016
Starting the Movie Marquee.
AS I have never done anything like this previously, I'll build it and figure it out as I go along. I am using two sheets of Luan, 1/4 inch, (6.3 mm), thick. Then some one X four inch. (25 X 100mm), pieces of wood to give it the correct height and will later be a part of the bracing. The area it is to cover is 62 inches (1575 mm), by 15 inches, (380 mm). It will have a typical American Movie theater marquee appearance such as they were in my earliest memories from back in the 1940s. The entire marquee with have a bronze/brass patina as it would have aged since it was built in the 1920s. A verde green patina.
It will have the translucent white, backlit marquee, with the familiar horizontal and vertical lines typically seen on all marquees. I will use the name "Mozark" as when I was a kid, there was a theater of that name downtown where I grew up. They tore it down in 1952. I was sad because the Mozark played all my favorite Roy Rogers movies.
It will be placed above the new media room door and will have two massive piers that will extend from the upper sides of the door frame to support the marquee, with lots of scroll work. Immediately below the piers will be two elongated picture frames that will contain movie posters such as Star Wars, The Godfather, My Pal Trigger, etc.
The front backlit panel will be surrounded with scroll work and have the name Mozark in glittery gold letters. On the sides, I hope to have "Now Showing" letters and a different movie on each side. Marquees come in many shapes and designs, but this photo illustrates one as close to the one I am making as I could find.
Here are some various marquees from the old days.
So, here is where I started. The basic shape and structure of the marquee.
Fitting the white translucent panels.
A hundred mini-lights. There will be 200 in all.
Some of the scroll work to give it a really old appearance. When I was a kid, all movie theaters were like palaces, at least to my little brain. So elegant and fancy!
Looking at the rear of the marquee. Those two uprights will be where the marquee is attached to the wall. The top will be attached to the ceiling.
The front, test fitting and measuring the exterior framework with it's scrollwork.
To be continued