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WIP Double Duty

Well my friend I sit at the bench looking up here and daydream. :blink

Keeps me off the streets
Tony Lee :)
My vote is for whichever one jumps off the shelf to be next in line. :duh
Looks like you have a ready stash waiting in line.
Keep em coming.
I hate to say it but it's true. I lead a very dull life and don't get out much. :laugh:

In between daydreams I managed to get a little bit more done to the K-59 kit.


Thirteen more parts to install and the assembly will be complete. :woohoo:

What will tomorrow hold? :unsure:
Tony Lee :)
Shawn my wife never said that to me instead she told me to be sure and take my pillow and a change of underwear because she was going to burn everything else if I did. :eek:hmy:

That's what works for me. :blink
Tony Lee :)
That K-,59 kit is just killing ....

.... and you "armor collection" is not big enough for you if you continue assembling as fast as you do!!! (I can also send you my unassembled kits and you can send them back to me just to paint them!!!!! .... :lol:
Now Jose I know you don't me to have ALL the fun. :woohoo:

I figured it's about time to get my feet wet with a bit of scratch building and the Marder II D is a good place to start. From what i've read and the one small picture that's in Nuts and Bolts #24,I cut out a large section of the kit gun deck to expose the driver/RO compartment.

Now i'm filling in the gaps with sheet stock and added ammo storage between the sponsons and gun deck on each side.

There's still a lot more to do in there but it's a beginning.
Thanks for coming by
Tony Lee :)
Great job Tony, I'm always amazed by the speed you build your models, and how it doesn't effect the high quality of your builds!! :notworthy

Yep "SPEEDO" is my middle name alright. :laugh:

It only took me just about all day to make one of two ready round lockers today. :blink
Cutting out all those parts from a single sheet is for the birds. Strip stock has been put on the to get list for sure.

These will be mounted on the right and left casement walls.

Thanks for stoppin by
Tony Lee :)
Right side done:

That does it for both sides: :woohoo:

Open 24/7 so no need to crowd up in here. :laugh:
Tony Lee :)
Hi Tony, Really nice scratch work going on here :dude

That resin stuff looks great, how is it to assemble? What glue do you use?

Looking forward to more good stuff from you :)

Randy it went together smooth as silk. I tried Gator Grip at first but it wasn't working so well and I pulled it off and used 5-min epoxy,she's stuck now.

Thanks for your comments
Tony Lee :)