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WIP Double Duty

I forgot,i've got this one underway too.



Tony Lee
I hate to change the subject around this joint but I had work to do on the Marder II D stowage box.
After the oil dried the Future floor wax coat was applied and left to dry. Time for the hair spray coat and while it was drying I assembled some more of the Marder 1 tracks.

I did that till my finger tip got tender so I sprayed a light coat of Tamiya acrylic panzer gray over the hair spray and went back to continue the track building.

After supper I took a short stiff brush dipped in water and started scubbin a spot on the box till I got through to the hair spray. The water can now dissolve the hair spray and the paint will lift off much easier. Scrub and dab at the paint until you reach the effect you're after.


Hope you like the effect.
Tony Lee:)

That looks Awesome ! I LOVE th wood grain. Did you streak it with Oil - Raw Umber ? That is HOT !! I love th distressed look in th wood !! Great JOB !!:ro:

Well....what was for supper?

Hot Dang Tony! I really like that. Need to think of something wooden to paint over.

so what's the long term effect of the hairspray. Do we have a danger of it continuing to break down?
Eric go back to page 13 and I show you a picture and explain each step.

Breaded chicken breast,wild rice and garden fresh tomato slices.:woohoo:
No after effects that i've heard about Pup. Just let the water dry off and I spray another sealer coat and continue on with my normal washes and such.

This is the first time I tried the hair spray technique and after a year it still looks the same as the day I finished it.

See You guys tomorrow and Thanks for the comments.
Tony Lee:)
Things are shaping up nicely as usual, Tony! Which box is calling you?? Did you ever finish the Brummbar?
Nice work Tony. It almost seems a shame to have painted over all the wood grain, that said it looks very naturally worn the way it is. Very reralistic :cheer:
Hi Tony, that wooden box is truly impressive. Very nice. I'm glad you mentioned that models call you as well. Mine are in a closet but I can still hear them .
Glad to see you are interested in models that are off the well beaten path.

Cheers, Christian B)
Tree, it was hard to stop when I did but I remembered those famous words "Less Is More".

Christian,I had trouble hearing you with that mob across the room hollerin at me.:laugh:
Nothing wrong with Tigers and Panthers mind you but I think it's nice to see something that's not main stream now and then too.

Eric with some many builds around the net I get lost in the heat of battle too.:woohoo:

Thanks to you all
Tony Lee:)
Hi Tony,
actually I'm an airplane builder but I do recognize talent when I see it. Sometimes I can find something I can put to use here and there. I do enjoy walking off the path though since I pretty much have already built most of the usual suspects. :)

Cheers, Christian B)
A builder of aircraft huh, i'm sorry. I'll keep it on the QT that you strayed over to the Dark Side.:laugh:

I love Friuls but these were a bear. The job is done and i'll get over it by morning.:D

Until next time,y'all take care ya hear.
Tony Lee:)