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What toys did you love ?


Well-known member
The other thread got me thinking,what toys did you especially enjoy as a kid ? It could be a big spread as all the different age groups had their favorites.

Gi Joe figures 12 inch figures
Tudor electric football game actually had quite a few different teams
Kenner girder and panel construction sets
Marx Fort Apache. Always wanted the Alamo set
Any kind of plastic soldiers and equipment
Lincoln logs

Probably a lot more but I can't think of all of them
My models..:mpup

Seriously, I didn't really have those types of toys, I build models from as early as I can remember.

And Hotwheels. And the HO trainset, which added the need to model...
Same as MP Models

I also loved toy guns and toy cars but my other favourite will have to be lego's

Girder and panels building sets

matchbox and Corgi-the ones with the hard plastic tires that could be taken off.
Star Wars-- Mostly stuff from Empire Strikes Back

And I remember this big plastic mountain-- it was the Navarone playset with a whole mess of American and German little green and grey men, tanks, etc...I actually still have it :)
In no particular order, my Happy Time Farm set, Lincoln Logs, plastic soldiers (all eras), G.I. Joes, Hot Wheels, Major Matt Mason, my army/marine gear, my secret agent stuff (including The U.N.C.L.E. gun), Daniel Boone frontier outfit my mom made(Including coonskin cap from South Dakota) and then PLASTIC MODELS!! For the record, boobs are good too! :laugh:
GI Joe's, I'm old enough to have had the originals.

ANY toy firearm.

Military clothing and souvenirs from Dad and his friends.

Hot Wheels and MatchBox cars.

Any questions regarding how I became a US Marine and then a cop?

Lego had a big box and were always busy constructing all kinds of things.
Britains farm tractors and equipment in 1/32.
Airfix 1/32 soldiers, and the guns to shoot matchsticks with, had a pak 40 and a 25pdr.
matchbox, hot wheels and corgi/dinky toys cars of course :)
And Big Jim action figures, i have still the boat and the pirate with the turning head :fencing
As a kid I was hooked on these MATCHBOX soldiers in 1/72 or 1/76 scale.
I even painted the little guys in HUMBROL paints.Did also some first steps in modelling with their range of 1/76 tanks back then.

Sometimes me and my friends did battles with them,and did use fire-crackers to blow up tanks and soldiers. :D :D :D [ofcourse our parents did NOT know this part of the fire-crackers....we would have got some big punishment] :D

