This is funny. We're heading down the road, secondary roads, to Augusta, about 5 miles out of Greenwood we go through a small community. There's a patch of woods there and Dad said, "We use to take off work Wend afternoon and come down here and play poker all afternoon..."
(Little background: Around here, and I assume other southern towns, everything would close at noon on Wednesdays to go to Wend evening church meeting. This stopped about the late 70s)
"Y'all played poker in the woods?" I asked
"Yeah..there was a little clearing back in there" he said.
"I thought everyone took off work Wen afternoon to go to church Wend evening?" I said (it was a Southern thing)
"Well we played poker"
"you couldn't play at someone's house?"
"No, everyone was getting ready to go to church, that's why we went to the woods to play poker." Dad said..
Maybe you had to be there...Dad checked out OK. We talked on the way down and he had a hard time understanding when I told him that it's been nearly 29 years since I went in the USAF...come to think of it, I'm having a hard time accepting it..:idonno :gogo

(Little background: Around here, and I assume other southern towns, everything would close at noon on Wednesdays to go to Wend evening church meeting. This stopped about the late 70s)
"Y'all played poker in the woods?" I asked
"Yeah..there was a little clearing back in there" he said.
"I thought everyone took off work Wen afternoon to go to church Wend evening?" I said (it was a Southern thing)
"Well we played poker"
"you couldn't play at someone's house?"
"No, everyone was getting ready to go to church, that's why we went to the woods to play poker." Dad said..
Maybe you had to be there...Dad checked out OK. We talked on the way down and he had a hard time understanding when I told him that it's been nearly 29 years since I went in the USAF...come to think of it, I'm having a hard time accepting it..:idonno :gogo