Master at Arms
New fun and yes I know Ive not finished other stuff but wanted to crack on with this
Heres the Evolution Miniatures 1/35 Russian Soldier which will swop sides for this project. A little bit of andyfication: scissors and armbands
Primes with Vallejo grey primer and Tamiya Buff mix which serves as the base colour for the camoflague
eyes painted but may have to go and tidy them up
The darker shade for the camo is Vallejo Russian green
Heres the Evolution Miniatures 1/35 Russian Soldier which will swop sides for this project. A little bit of andyfication: scissors and armbands
Primes with Vallejo grey primer and Tamiya Buff mix which serves as the base colour for the camoflague
eyes painted but may have to go and tidy them up
The darker shade for the camo is Vallejo Russian green
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