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Tiger 1 early - Winter Russia 1942 -completed

Looks fab! You may want to see if you can find nail salon acrylic powder. I use the dental variant for snow and it’s the cat’s meow.
Thanks Mike, MP and James :)(y)

The snow is finally here.......though still in process as I do it a little at a time to keep control.
I sarted with some Techstar snow I had kept from some years ago but that did not want to mis with any medium. I got it to mix a little with pigment fixer but found it did not deliver. I used to use Micro balloons as can be seen on my Mk3 stalingrad repair dio but these seem to be unavailable now. I had to find something else, so I turned to white grout mixed with pigment fixer.
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Looking good, Ian! Very believable!
The snow is really looking great Ian!

Thank you guys. Thanks for stopping by!

John : That sounds interesting John but I have ordered some snow from Vallejo, so I will see how that goes on the next project.
Is it freely available?
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The snow part 2 ...

After the last post I have picked out some rocks added more snow and worked on the staining from the turret etc. Oh and the barrel for the T-34 came back after I had snapped it off accidently way back at the start.
Snow has also been added to the top of the turret and the small ledges on the inside to hold the top plate have been removed. It is not meant to be the 'be all and end all' of detailed turrets , just a nice simple stand -in detail for the scene.


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Ian, sorry if you answered this before, what are you using for the snow effect?
No problem MP.
I used very fine white bathroom tile grout. It went OK.
I used to have Micro ballooons which worked really well but I can't get those now. I tried using the techstar snow effect but it would't mix in with any medium so I gave up.
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thank you all for following this project.
Clint - glad you noticed, as that was intentional.
Mike - hope you are getting some good ideas from this :). glad you like the effect.
Sharkman and Andy - stay tuned gentleman, it gets better.:)
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Ok back again with another update on the groundwork.
I must say that I have really enjoyed going into the experimentation on this scene. I love solving the groundwork problems and working on the different effects, slowly enhancing them until I am happy. I like doing the groundwork as much as the model itself. It becomes its own model for me and i think that is the key. You must spend the time on the base if you want the same result as the model.
I am into over 20 hours on this base now so more photos to follow this week so that the post catches up to me.:)
so this is where we were at last time........

Since then I have gone further with the snow but had to add more grout on top of the original white pigments as the pigment fixer drew the browns up through the white and turned it yellow in places.
Thats how we learn hey.
I thought that I had sealed it properly but I will use a heavier acrylic sealer over the ground work next time.
so this is a couple of days ago........
The wooden base has had a base coat of gloss black around the edges and top.
I have also continued to work on the turret giving the top edges a bit more 'burn' in their appearance and the snow has started to get some dirty stains - some from the rusty turret that has been out in the weather since summer the year before.
I have also started to add some broken power lines to the telegraph pole.


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What's wrong with yellow snow as long as you don't eat it... ☃
I recall you had a pup hikin' his leg on one of your dioramas years ago, just sayin'.

Looking great Ian! 🎉
What's wrong with yellow snow as long as you don't eat it... ☃
I recall you had a pup hikin' his leg on one of your dioramas years ago, just sayin'.

Looking great Ian! 🎉
Never eat the yellow snow or the yellow dirt....this is what you were referring to i think....................

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