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Well I did it. Slipped down to the garage for a rare early morning session. Stripped the wings and some of the fuselage and polished it really good, hit it again with Polished Aluminum. Much happier with the results, again the key is REALLY light mist. I tell other folks that all the time yet I don't practice it myself. I think one section I only did one pass. Maybe spraying to heavy.

I'll get pictures later..after I fix the nose gear..:bang head
the key is REALLY light mist. I tell other folks that all the time yet I don't practice it myself. I think one section I only did one pass. Maybe spraying to heavy.

that's good info MP, the more unlocking of the mysteries of Alclad spraying the better, it's still a very daunting prospect though to try it!

Glad you got it sorted.
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din! :) That's a fine-lookin' blow torch ya got there, Moon- cheers!
[li]Use something more glossy than Alclad base coats[/li]
[li]Allow to Cure, like a couple of months... :pilot [/li]
[li]Spray at low pressure, very low (thanks Mike for reminding me)[/li]
[li]Polish to high gloss shine if doing the high shine stuff[/li]
[li]Spray LIGHT!!![/li]

Now with that said... let's get to this meat...BOOM!!








One other thing, Surface prep!
I must say Bob , I believe you have arrived but about that right strut ? :huh:

Guess it did not survive ? :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
Leave it to you to notice it! :rotf

Hey, it's up ain't it?! did you see the shine??? (distracting the view from the right strut)
Fixed too many of them Bob, it's just instinctual now.

Besides, you did such a good job on the shine I was afraid the crew chief would never notice :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)