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stripping clear styrene- brake fluid is safe-


Active member
---and what else? I don't have any of the Green stuff (or bleach-haha) What have you guys tried? Brake fluid removed both MM enamel and Tamiya Acrylic from a clear canopy. That heller Stuka is killing me.
This sounds like a rhetorical question to me. Brake fluid will removes everything.

Since you know it works why do you want to fix it ? :unsure:
I was just making the statement that it does work on clear, which is more brittle than regular styrene, I had a spill and had to clean it up. It works without damaging the clear plastic. If anyone has used something different on clear styrene, well I'm all ears.
Me too. Mr Muscle owen cleaner. Best paint stripper for models, in my opinion. Easy to work with, and a less than messy brake fluid. But as with everything, the method that works for you is the best.
Thanks guys- just tossing a line out for alternatives for stripping clear parts. brake fluid is a bit toxic for my tastes.
Must be something I don't understand about oven cleaners than as I am not able to stay in a room where it is in use. I have no problem with brake fluid and it is reusable.