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Sometimes life hits you with such a stenght and so suddenly that you are left on the floor shocked and without strenght!

Got the famus message and then read and follow closely all the events.

As I said in private conversation with Bob B, Bob L and James, I was here and I enjoy the site because seems like a stress and bull#*% t free place.

Well I was wrong and this left me so sad for this, to me, no sense drama.

Then you wake up and someone tell you that one of nicesest person you ever known has been killed in a car accident by someone who run away, and you realise how silly is to fight and ruin a nice place for Ego issues.

Don't care who started this, just think that this is a nice hobby for so many people and this was a nice and relaxing place to get unplugged for real life crap.

Real tragedy happen in life but this wasn't one of them!

Sorry if this sounds to harsh, but I'm in such a big pain from my friend Marco who's no longer with us since yesterday night.

Marco ti voglio bene!


I agree, there are no villains in this and if we try to create one, everybody suffers. I was closely involved and have my opinions. You will never hear them from me on this site or any other. It happened, it's over, and if we are going to make this work, we need to move on, and get back to normal as soon as possible.

I am so sorry about your friend Marco. My condolences.

Just hang in there my friend,

Giovanni, that's a terrible tragedy! You have my most sincere condolences on the loss of your friend. Sad indeed!

I'm so sorry Giovanni. It is never easy to lose a friend, this I well know, especially to something so senseless. Please accept my condolences and my thoughts and prayers for you and your friends family.

Giovanni, I can only echo what others have already said. My Family wishes you and yours peace and condolences.
Condoglianze anche da parte mia Giovanni per il tuo amico Marco. Questo è un esempio di quanto ci siano cose più importanti che non stupidi litigi al computer.

Thanks so much Erik, really appreciated

Massimo, sono assolutamente d'accordo, la vita e' gia' difficile di suo e queste scaramucce sono solo inutili


Giovanni , ............ I'm sorry to hear about your friend .

When we loose a friend or relative we always are saddened and then mad at the injustice .

In time you will have the comfort and beautiful feeling of being able to tell people " I knew him well , he was my friend and I loved him "