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More Messerschmitts on the way...


Active member
The Mummy kit will be finished in a week or two so I started in on a couple of small scale Messerschmitt's to get back up to speed on building aircraft models again.

This first model is the limited run Huma Me 609.

All of the Huma kits are molded in a 'greazy' feeling soft plastic that is easy to work but still feels like the mold release agent is on no matter how many times the parts are washed.


The other Messerschmitt that was just started is the easy assembly kit from HobbyBoss and is the Bf 109G-6 kit.

This kit IS easy to put together but there are plenty of gaps that need to be filled with putty and sanded down.


The control surfaces that are supposed to be fabric covered on the Bf 109 are represented on the kit by some exaggerated rib details, as you can see here its a simple matter to carve and sand that off, the elevator on the left has been sanded down while the one on the right has yet to be reworked.


HobbyBoss has done some good work on this kit considering its not much more that a toy, if HobbyBoss really tried and gave 100% effort I think they could produce the best kits on the planet at a reasonable price.

Thanks guys!
The Me 609 is pretty much a Me 309 Zwilling...not much is known about this design but I suspect it would have been the type of twin engine aircraft the Germans were seeking instead of the Me 210/410 series.

A small update on these models, much of the putty and sanding work is done and they are very close to being ready for paint.

The weather here has been too nice to stay indoors the past three weeks with no end in sight so my model building time is pretty much on pause. People from other parts of the country would not understand just how rare it is here to have three or more weeks of warm temps and clear weather in early July, in a normal summer getting two weeks of sunshine without any rain usually only happens in late August or early September so I am really enjoying this! :yipee

Not sure when I will get around to painting the Mummy and these two Messerschmitts, maybe sometime next week.





We don't get rain everyday on a typical summer here but its often enough to keep everything damp. I have lived here a long time and NEVER seen this much good weather all in one stretch...amazing.

Sorry for those that are getting all the crap weather we normally get here. :(

Still bone dry here but not all that hot so I started working on the Messerschmitts again.

All the filling and sanding work is now done and the models are starting to get paint.
Here you can see I started with the first phase of weathering which in this case is pre-shading and a little highlighting too.




Next the models will be getting much of the pre-shading covered up with another coat of paint.

I have that 609 in my stash, not planning on building so it's good to see someone else do it. I wish someone would do it in 1/48. Good progress so far !
Thank you Terry, Gary, and James!

I have built a few Huma kits before and they are pretty good quality for being limited run kits but this Me 609 is not one of their best, maybe it was one of their early kits. :idonno
If you build yours plan on using other decals, the kits decals are rubbish.

BTW, I forgot to mention the fuselage halves in the background are from a 1/32 scale He 162. The gloss black painted cockpit is part of the weathering process, later when I spray the RLM 66 black gray I will spray it on in such a way that the gloss black will still be seen in the recessed areas giving the cockpit more depth than it really has.
Many more pics will be taken during the build of the He 162. :D

Looking good Les. Glad you are finally getting some cooler weather. It has been 100 here every day this month. About ready to slit my own wrists with an obsidian flake at work because of it lol.
Hang in there Ryan! It has to cool off sooner or later.

I have lived here 30+ years and have never seen a summer like this one...five weeks without rain starting from late June to today has never happened since I have been here, usually August is our dry month. I have to wonder if this freakish weather will go to the other extreme during the winter...this area can't handle much snow plus my town is built on hilly terrain making getting around difficult even for 4x4 vehicles. :blink
The last time we had a sudden heavy fall of snow even emergency responders kept getting trapped by a lot of trees falling, they would clear one section of road only to become trapped again a few minutes later.

I had to add some highlights to the base of the Mummy kit and while I had the airbrush loaded up with white paint I decided to add more highlight effects on the two Messerschmitt's, the pre-shading was too wide for the scale so I cleaned up some of the pre-shading making it easier to cover up later on. The rest of the highlights were done by spraying small mottles and streaks over the sides and undersurfaces making sure they had a random look to them, after the next coat of RLM 76 is sprayed on only a hint of the pre-shading and highlights will be seen giving the paint job a slightly used look to it.





The pre-shading and highlights have been covered by another coat of RLM 76, I know they look like I left too much of the pre-shading still showing but after the markings and other weathering effects are added the pre-shading will hardly be noticed...exactly the way I want it.
If you look at an aircraft model that has weathering done on it and if one of the first things you notice is the pre-shading than its done way too heavy, a little bit of this weathering technique can go a long way.


I will start painting the upper surface camo colors next.

Before starting to put paint on the upper surfaces I masked off and painted the wheel wells, even after doing something as minor as painting the wheel wells it made the pre-shiding far less noticeable than it was before.

BTW, the prop and spinner of the Bf 109 has been painted but not yet glued on.
