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More Messerschmitts on the way...

At last! Something to show on these models. Until some paint starts to get sprayed on a model its BORING.

Both the Messerschmitts have their camouflage patterns airbrushed on. I airbrushed these models free handed, taking the time to fiddle around with soft masks would have taken forever on these smaller models.
Free hand painting makes doing Luftwaffe camouflage schemes a snap. :dance

The Me 609 has most of its paint work done but the Bf 109G-6 still needs the JG 27 green RVD to be masked and painted on the rear fuselage and also the underside of the engine cowl will be sprayed yellow.






That was always my problem with preshading. Though the first coat was too light so I load it up only to totally obscure it later. Les you giving it just the right touch. (y) :pilot
"Free hand painting makes doing Luftwaffe camouflage schemes a snap"

Easy for you to say ! You're certainly a wizard with an airbrush, all looking great as usual (y) (y)
Thanks guys!

More often than not I still cover up more of the pre-shading than I really want, there is a thin line between keeping the pre-shading barely visible as it should be and covering it up too much and its awfully easy to cross that line. :hmmm

For painting the camouflage patterns I use a basic (but good) airbrush, in order to freehand the camo pattern its best to get the paint thinned just enough to where it will spray a fine line reliably and then outline the camouflage pattern on the model and then fill it in later keeping the spray pattern aimed in towards the color you are painting.
Trying the above on a 1/72 scale model is not the easiest thing to do so if you are attempting to do a freehand paint job for the first time 1/48 scale is much easier.
The JG 27 RVD band and white rudder and yellow under the engine cowling has been painted on the HobbyBoss Bf 109G-6. Also the RLM 74 center to the fuselage cross on both models has been painted on, later the white outline cross decal will go over the RLM 74 painted cross to make it look much neater than it does at this point.




Right you are Les, fine lines are something I have a problem with. Inspiring me to get out some funky camo scheme myself. :popcorn
A small amount of progress has been made on the Messerschmitts, the exhaust stacks and spinner spirals have been painted. I always have a hard time hand painting spirals for twin engine aircraft, its not easy keeping the spirals looking similar.



Thanks Ian and Dave!

The Bf109G-6 is turning out okay, in case you can't recognize the camouflage pattern of the Bf109 I am doing its going to be in the markings of the Gruppenkommadeur of 1./JG27 Major Ludwig Franzisket.
One thing I did screw up on was the camouflage pattern on the leading edge of the wings...Franzisket's 109 did not have the scalloped camo pattern on the leading edge of the wings, its too late to change it now. I was so concerned about getting the distinctive fuselage camouflage demarcation lines just right I ignored the leading edges of the wings. Oh well, its just a hobby. :blush:
I might just do this same Bf109 in a larger scale since I have the markings for it.

The Me 609 has made it all the way to this point in its construction without a clear idea of the markings it would have but after going through my spare decal box I found some older Me 410 markings that will work with this model.

The Messerschmitts were gloss coated and the decals were put on. The spinners and propellers for the Me 609 were also assembled and ready to go the model.






