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Messerschmitt Jet


Active member
Many clicking on this thread will think I have started building a Me 262 but no, this Messerschmitt is the quick but deadly Messerschmitt P1106.
My model is being built from the 1/72 scale Huma kit, the kit is nice for a limited run kit but as with other Huma kits the decals are rubbish.


Since there are so few parts this kit should build up quickly but that has not been the case here, nothing wrong with the fit of the parts...I dropped the nose gear whilst dry fitting and could not find it so I had to scratch build another nose gear using stretched sprue and plastic card, this was not that hard to do but I had to work out the correct length of the nose gear and think I have it close to the original part.



Thanks Dave, James, and Bob!

I started this one now so I can paint the Bf 109G-10, the Fw 190F-9, and this jet all at the same time...this way I can conserve paints and cleaning thinner by not having to mix paints and clean the airbrush as much for painting each model, paint is hard to come by for me.

More work done on this model...the basic airframe is put together and after gluing on the canopy I can start painting it.



I didn't realize how far back the cockpit is/was. That would have been a wild ride, had to mess with the seat of the pants flying don't ya know...:pilot
Thanks Dave!

Messerschmitt had a few really good designs but clearly this was not one of them! Imagine trying to use this thing in combat or even during a normal landing approach...scary! :blink

I don't think the Yak 15 was designed with the Me P1106 in mind, just after the war ended the Russian aviation industry was urged to produce jet aircraft ASAP and some industry leaders mentioned producing the Me 262 and Ar 234 but that idea was not popular and nobody wanted to bring the matter to Stalin in fear of being shot for just bringing up the idea of building German designs so the best that could be done in the short term was to adapt a Russian designed airframe with copies of the German jet engine.

Thanks Gary and Warren!

I started painting this thing, a thin coat of the late war light green undersurface color has been sprayed on, next will be some highlights and pre-shading added before the final coat of light green.



Thank you Luiz!

Just a short time ago I finished up the pre-shading on this one, its not so bland looking now.

After the paint is fully dry I can start painting on the RLM 81 and RLM 82 topside colors.



