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LVT-4 carrying 105mm...

Not a problem Saúl...I was hoping to save you the trouble ;). Seems there are top opening and end opening crates...not sure why there needed to be both? Ah well...either way, I'm looking to add lots of those extras to the scene...
Well-- I got to the point where I could add primer to the mix...and after this dry fit we see something is not right...those water boxes seem slightly off...but the instructions for adding them were a bit obscure...so not sure what to do??

Obviously there is a lot less detail here than in the newer AFV Club kit...but it was on sale ;)

Here are the rest...


Obviously, figuring out the water box situation is key...but I have a whole day horse show for my daughter tomorrow...and then it is late night packing to leave for VA early Sunday...so I will have a week to reflect and have you guys give me ideas ;)
Oh...and I know I have more work to do on the tracks...need to check references on the top side but I am pretty sure the top run touched the top two roller wheels...so I may need to get the paintbrush handles and toothpicks ready ;)
Well- I have the fit issue tackled for the most part...just need to add a little more tenax to the top shelf in back as you can see...

Things are looking pretty good for both...


It was when I tried putting them together that I ran into trouble...the gun needs to be pointed higher...

That should be an easy enough fix...but even if I get that right and move the wheels for the gun all the way to the front-- I see this...

So my question is this-- were these legs retractable for instances like this where one had to transport the gun?? I know on the hay wagons we use the tow arms retract in, so I was curious as to whether this same sort of thing happened with these??
Well-- the gate is now being stubborn...so I'll need to clamp the hell out of it...Tenax...and then retouch up the paint...nearly done with the main build...it ought ot look something like this when done...
So my question is this-- were these legs retractable for instances like this where one had to transport the gun?? I know on the hay wagons we use the tow arms retract in, so I was curious as to whether this same sort of thing happened with these??

Have you seen this article?

The issue seems to be the Lunette which was removable on most guns (or swiveled out of the way):



This is the M3 105mm howitzer:

From TM9-1326
Remove Lunette (fig. 139).
(1) Remove the cotter pin and nut from the end of the lunette.
(2) Drive lunette off its bracket on right trail with a hide-faced hammer.

I hope this helps,
Also looks like the elevation of the gun is too low. the other picutres you posted, that gun is cranked up at a pretty high angle.
Thanks guys!

Saúl...that seems doable...although even with the lunette tucked away, the trails are still a bit too long...but I did reattach them swung to the side so that might work.

Bob...this is the best I can be it...it is glued pretty solidly and the parts are pretty small and delicate...so any attempts to detach them would probably end up in their destruction. Besides, this thing is just being transported...I don't think they fired them this way- so I think the barrel was elevated just enough to get it in there...
Well-- here is my solution of sorts. I imagine there were times they were short on transports for supplies...so maybe they piled stuff on top of other stuff ;) Considering my initial research pic seems to show the tires for the gun a bit higher than on the deck (although it seems the ones in the kit are under scale)...and that I couldn't really get the two kits to coexist and still pull off what I wanted to do-- I figure some big strong Marine types wheeled this baby right on top of some other crates and stowage...- and so after making an appropriately sized box from cardboard-- and using paint and white glue on tissue paper to give it that tarped over look-- here's what I got:



Going to fill the rest of the space up with some other stuff...maybe some barrels if I can find some, etc...unfortunately, my spares box in 1/35 scale is a little sparse...but I should be able to make do...still need to add the other trail, just waiting for everything to dry...
This is the right idea but keep in mind that there should be ramps to push the gun up (no lifting) as well as wheel chocks nailed to the top crates. The crates themselves need securing by lashing or some other method is the gun is to be used in that disposition.

I have something in mind for the ramps so no worries there...and I should be able to fabricate some sort of chocks and have it lashed down. This thing is purely just being transported, not fired from the LVT...they didn't fire the guns in these things, did they? The recoil seems like it could smash out the back end???
OK-- so the build ends today at the LEM...but I am not done with the LVT as it still has to be weathered to fit with the base I'll build soon...but as far as building and painting goes-- here she is...still might add some stowage...we'll see...




Thanks for looking!