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Latest Acquisitions Revisited!

I got a cool new book! It's more of a history book, than a true reference.
Still cool!
LOL! I needed to dig out my Paasche air eraser last night to etch a bezel on a watch for work. Had not messed with it in YEARS! As some other tools I needed to build the blasting case were delayed and I needed to get things done, I put on a dust mask and took the part, air eraser, and compressor out into the garage and went at it.
It did a great job on this:

Bezel bead blasted.jpg

The light colored area is bead blasted and then the raised numbers were polished.

I am now getting ready to build a case to do micro sand blasting. I bought a medium sized plastic case that should work great once I put some holes for my hands to fit through. Need to be able to reclaim the blasting media, and need to keep it from going everywhere.
Reading/listening to "The British Are Coming" by Rick Atkinson and just finshed about the battle of lake Champlain. Every time the Mosquito Fleet was mentioned I thought of you. :bigrin:
Right! I haven't started the builds of the Niagara or Lawrence US Navy Brigs yet. Castings are done, but them "model squirrels" keep distracting me! :bat
There's a lot to do when it's just one guy in the "Nut Department".
OH I forgot.

Last Friday after Helene blew by the USPO still delivered my brother's of Sprue order.


I only needed the glue but I wanted to round up the order a bit and got the Meng jeep just cause it's a cool kit.
The aplicator is the best part! I have used brushes (not precise enough), syringes (rubber plunger starts sticking and BAM! too much glue), and this... The only issue, which perhaps has soured your experience, is that the tip clogs with plastic. I used to do the recommendation of using a match to burn it off but this ends up damaging the tip eventually. Now, I have a super fine stainless steel wire (bought for 'wiring' models) created a loop with a long run and it works GREAT! If interested, I can look up, which of these two, is the correct wire size.
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