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KLM Royal Dutch Airlines Boeing 747-400

Adam Baker

Active member
Building this as part of a group build on ARC, and figured I'd share it here too.

Kit is RoG's 1/144 Boeing 747-400 in British Airways livery. Upon pulling the kit out of the box, I found out that there's actually 3 sets of decals w/ it. I think I picked the kit up in a raffle at a meeting of the model club I'm in, a few years ago. I know I've looked at the kit before, but its been a few years, so I totally forgot about the decals. Besides the kit BA decals, there are decals for Virign Atlantic by Liveries Unlimited, and America West by Flight Designs. I dont know that I'm going to use any of these decals, as I'd prefer something flasher, w/ as little white in the paint scheme as possible.


B/c the kit doesnt include any clear windows, and the decal sheets have decal windows, I decided to fill the windows in. I started by backing all the windows w/ strips of .010" styrene, and then filled them w/ Bondo Glazing Putty.

Backing strips


Masking w/ blue painters tape


First coat of putty down


After sanding the putty off.


The first application of putty did pretty good, but its going to take at least 1 more coat of putty, so this afternoon I got it taped back up, and put a 2nd coat down. I'm going to let the putty dry for at least 24 hrs before sanding it off. That will happen tomorrow afternoon, I'll then put down a primer coat over the windows when I prime my Draken, so that I can check how well the putty did to smooth things out.

I've moved on to working on the wings & engines, and I have to say its been interesting. I'm very surprised at the amount of flash, and extra plastic, that's present all over the place on this kit. It looks like all mating surfaces are going to be sanded to make sure they are flat, as so far most pieces have had a wavy surface to them that obviously wont work for gluing. Its taken a lot of work to get the first wing sections ready to be glued together, and I can already tell its going to take a lot of filling on the seams to get it cleaned up, but I've got plenty of sprue from this kit to stretch for filler.
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

I remember when I was in the USAF there was a proposal to turn a 747 into a cruise missile launch platform. They would have rotary launchers installed in the aft lower section and the idea was, they could be reloaded in flight. I don't know, after the first 16, what would be the point of reloading?

Adam, do a WIF, all you have to do is scribe a door in the rear aft on either side, give it that SAC scheme.


Just a suggestion...:mpup
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Cool idea although too devious to be practical since enemy would be more prone to shoot anything resembling a Jumbo Jet (especially since it could carry 72 cruise missiles):

The concept with what appears to be a C-17. Click on the image for an articleon the Cargo Bomber idea.

How do you distinguish a friendly Jumbo Jet from this? Click on image for article on the B-747.

That would be an unusual What If especially if you get the Bren Gun cruise missiles to display with the B-747:

AGM-86 ALCM for USAF livery

BMG-109 Tomahawks for USN livery

Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

With the windows blocked (plated over) you can also complete a cargo 747:

After some more digging, it turns out these were 8 747-100 and 13 747-249F:

Yes, my wife tells me I have a one track mind!

Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Haha, now thats a shark mouth! haha

I've actually looked at some of the airline cargo schemes, and I found one for Federal Express Cargo, but I dunno. I'm still weighing the various options. I've only worked on one other airliner before, and I had the decals I wanted for it, when I got the kit, so I didnt have to decide on that one what I wanted.

What sucks is that the scheme I really would like to do, the sheet is out of print, and about as rare as hens teeth, so finding it is difficult, and chances are if I did find it, there'd be a pretty good possibility that it would be more expensive than I'd be willing to pay for it.
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

I've actually looked at some of the airline cargo schemes, and I found one for Federal Express Cargo, but I dunno.

FedEx bought Flying Tigers in 1988 and the second image I posted has the FedEx logo behind the cockpit windows but Japan required that the Flying Tigers colors be kept on the aircraft for several years after the acquisition.

A few more but the conversion to the 747-100 would involve changing the tail,engines, and others. Probably not worth it and a vintage kit, like the Airfix, would be better.

Here are some more images anyway.



Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

And NMF too boot..can I interest you in a nearly complete line of Alclads?? :evil:
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Yea, I was just going to say that it would mean back-dating the kit, which is more than I want to do. I'm planning on purely OOB build besides the decals. I've found that apparently this kit has a lot of inaccuracies, such as the angle of the wings and a few other things, but I don't think I'm going to bother w/ trying to fix them, as I'm not especially worried about the problems. Just looking to have a nice looking model when I'm done.

FedEx bought Flying Tigers in 1988 and the second image I posted has the FedEx logo behind the cockpit windows but Japan required that the Flying Tigers colors be kept on the aircraft for several years after the acquisition.

A few more but the conversion to the 747-100 would involve changing the tail,engines, and others. Probably not worth it and a vintage kit, like the Airfix, would be better.

Here are some more images anyway.

Haha, no thanks, already got 13 bottles on my shelf, haha

And NMF too boot..can I interest you in a nearly complete line of Alclads?? :evil:
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

can I interest you in a nearly complete line of Alclads?

What are you asking for it? I see that I have SNJ, Model Master Metalizers, Agama metal pastes, but my Alclad is gone.

Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Yes, my wife tells me I have a one track mind!

We're so surprised by this statement :rotf

Cheers, Christian B)
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

No pic's at the moment, but I got some white primer down on all the windows to check the filling job. Quite a few are almost completely gone, but a lot of them still have the outline of the window. At this point I'm not entirely sure if I want to put down a 3rd coat of putty, or just call it good and make sure that the window decals line up w/ the original window openings and then it wouldnt matter. Guess I'll have to get the decals for what ever scheme I do, before I go much farther, so I can check the window alignment on the decals to the openings on the kit.
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Guess I'll have to get the decals for what ever scheme I do, before I go much farther, so I can check the window alignment on the decals to the openings on the kit.

Unless there is a third coat of putty, then it wouldn't matter if the decals lined up to the faint outlines or not (not to mention you aren't forced to choose decals on immediate availability).

Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Yea, thats the thought I've had. Another thought I've had was to try using a small bit of super glue on each window to seal the putty and to help build out from the opening so that when its sanded smooth, it should disappear completely. I've never attempted using CA like that, so I'm not sure. And I dont have any thick CA that would be perfect for that sort of thing. At least I Dont have to worry about sanding off a bunch of details & panel lines. The body has panel lines, but they are fairly large and would be pretty easy to rescribe.

Another option I suppose would be to use some Milliput for the final layer of putty, but I dunno on that either. I know Milliput is good for filling cracks and that sort of thing, but I dont have any idea how it would handle this sort of thing.
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

I dont have any thick CA that would be perfect for that sort of thing.

The thin one is the cement to use. Actually, it could have been used from the beginning. Cellophane packing tape over the window openings making sure it was taut. Then run thin CA around the edges. Let dry and use epoxy putty, gently packed, to strengthen from the inside. Remove packing tape and primer to see what needs a second thin coat of CA. You're at this last stage.

I use a Sharpie permanent marker over the thin cracks, lines, whatever needs filling. Then I apply a thin coat of CA. After one hour, I start sanding and stop when I only see a crack, line, or the shape of the void that needed filling. I used this technique quite often.

Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Hmm, it didn't occur to me to back fill the holes like that. Probably would have been the better option, since the window holes all seemed to have a negative draft on them, so they were larger on the inside of the fuselage, so I had issues getting each hole filled completely w/ putty.

I guess tomorrow evening after work I'll look at putting drops of CA on each window and go from there. May swing by the Hobby Town to pick up a tube of CA to use, instead of the stuff I have now, that wouldn't be especially easy to apply.
Re: Boeing 747-400 (AIrline undecided)

Just a quick update. Pic's of the painted fuselage, showing the windows and the work I still need to do. Probably wont touch this one again until after I get back from California, putting all my time into my Draken right now. I did pick up a bottle of thin CA, and I'm thinking about trying the trick w/ CA & Baking soda for filler, to see if it would work to fill these in enough to not be visible anymore.
