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It's a duck !

Bummer about the quality Chris. But the workmanship of the builder more than compensates and I'm sure this will be a beaut when done. You even have atitlefor the name plate if you want. Silk purse from a Pigs Ear. Keep at her. (y) (y) (y)
Well James, I was thinking of it more like Duck is in fact a for letter word.

Joining the fuselage halves was like nailing two Bananas together back to back. :S It's still early in the day but so far the joint are holding.

Now, I'll have to get the files and sanders going. There will be plenty of dust ! :sick:

Thanks James for the encouraging words. I think you have too much faith in my ability.

Cheers, Christian B)
She's a tough bird to build by the looks of your progress but this will bring out the best in you!

My Classic Airframes Do17Z looks tame to this one!

keep going Christian, you are doing a Sterling job there! (y)
As any descent maintenance tech. would do, I made a few Fod covers and temp installed them in the holes so that all the debris and dust doesn't go straight in the interior. :hmmm


removing the defects from the top and bottom of the float has been as dainty as a bulldozer cutting a new road . Nothing is left.


Once it was smooth enough I started adding the detail back.


Did not get too far. Hope you like it anyhow . Comments welcome . Cheers, Christian B)
Well I heard it said that this would be Harummmph ! Challenging .

That statement is wildly understated. Now I understand why you don't see more of these built :vmad .

The interior is in but I want to say that nice as it may have been, absolutely nothing fits.

The instructions should state in bold print "grind out all the interior plastic before attempting to fit any pieces" . Wish I would have realized that before starting :sick: :sick: :sick:


After much fudging and modifying, it's in. ( more or less.

Letting some of these joints harden and venting some frustration before gluing anymore :fencing

Cheers, Christian B)

Holy Cow!!

I sometimes say the instruction sheets are mere suggestions, seems like the parts are just suggestions on this kit.

Great job getting that gap closed up :pilot
Thanks Bob. Those are the exact words I wish to express about this kit. Except that I am just so flabbergasted I could not think of it (y) .
Actually I ran out of polite thins to say a week ago :sick:

Well, back to the bench :fencing

Cheers, Christian B)
Looking good, Chris! You've heard me say this before, if it was easy, anyone could do it. I'll bet Evergreen's stock is up this AM. (y)
After spending an entire Saturday afternoon cutting and carefully sanding on two of these green house, I finally managed to get one of them to sit on the sill. :hmmm


Some of you may have wondered what this white strip is on the right hand canopy sill . :idonno


The short answer is it's around .030 shim stock . That's what it took to make the canopy sit level. :bang head .

Heading to bed ! More pictures tomorrow !

Comments welcome ! Thanks for looking . Cheers, Christian B)
I guess this morning will see a rudder get fitted. Just need to make some brackets .


All the sanding, scribing and details have been returned to the fuselage and float.


I wonder how long it will be before these stiffeners get knocked off ?


Comments welcomed . Thanks for looking .

Cheers, Christian B)
You'd hardly know there where problems fitting the fuse together Chris. Nice detailing with the styrene. (y) (y) (y)