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I think I'm turning Japanese...

Excellent work Les, pleasure to watch! I think :hmmm I need some Japanese kits in my stash... :soldier

All the best!
Thanks for looking!

No work on any of the German stuff lately, painting the Dinah interior parts has been so much fun everything else has been sat aside until the Dinah fuselage halves are closed up. :)


Here is the Dinah cockpit next to the weathered wheels from the Ki-84.




The Ki-84 has all the oil paint its going to get put on it, also a bit more paint chipping has been done since the last pictures were taken.




The Ki-61 also has had its interior painted and the fuselage halves are now glued together, next up for it is sanding down the fuselage seam lines.



Les, you're having far too much fun with these aircraft... Keep it up! :good: These are really looking spectacular. I can't wait to see more.
Thanks for the comments!

The Ki-84 is nearly finished so I will hold off getting anymore pictures of it until its at the airfield.

The wings were attached to the fuselage on the Tamiya Ki-46, sadly a tiny amount of Mr. Surfacer was needed on the wing roots and as you see here that has not been smoothed down yet.


The engines are not yet glued onto the wings and are just pressed into place for this picture, the fit of the engines is flawless. :)


The wheels have been assembled and painted, the wheels look clean like what you would expect to see on a Lexus car in the show room, next time you see them they will look like they have been in a war. :eek:hyeah


The old Arii Ki-61 kit has not fit together all that well...check out the gap on the upper egine cowling. Yikes! :frantic


Below are some wartime photographs of Ki-61's, this first photograph is poor quality but the Ki-61 in the background sports a wild looking camouflage pattern...I have not seen one quite like this. :woohoo:


Here are a couple other photographs of Ki-61's that do not appear in my reference books.



This is a well known Ki-61 photograph but is still interesting just the same.


Thanks James!

The Ki-48 is now finished! :D Sadly I have not had the chance to get any pictures because of all the storms that have slammed my area. :bang head The good news is its supposed to be clear Tuesday so maybe I can get out to the airfield and get some pictures then.

Even though I have had some power outages the past few days work on the other models goes on...here are some images of the Ki-61 and Ki-46.
The racks for the drop tanks still need to be put on the Ki-61 but after that I can start painting the airframe.


The canopy is masked and ready for paint.


The airframe of the Ki-46 is now ready for paint but I need to add a couple more tiny things to the cockpit and mask off the canopy first. I sprayed on some gray paint on the seam lines and found a couple sink marks on the fuselage spine and filled and sanded them smooth, that's what the light spots are on the spine.


The wheels for the K-46 have been given their weathering. Not a whole lot of weathering was given to them since I looked at several photographs of late war Japanese aircraft and the wheels on them were not very dirty and some even looked pretty clean so the weathering I did on the wheels was restrained.



Thanks Bob!

The Ki-61 will get an overall finish of NMF so a thin coat of gloss black was needed.



After the gloss black sets for a day or two I will spray on my custom mix of metall and then spray the fabric covered control surfaces light gray/green.

Thanks Bob and Luiz!

The metall on the top side of the Ki-61 was sprayed on, this mix that I made was almost matt as I wanted it to look weathered, when I spray the metall on the lower surfaces it will be much more reflective.
The propeller was painted, I went ahead and sprayed the yellow warning stripes too but for the small yellow rectangles I will go ahead and use decals for those.


