Thanks for the comments!
The Ki-84 is nearly finished so I will hold off getting anymore pictures of it until its at the airfield.
The wings were attached to the fuselage on the Tamiya Ki-46, sadly a tiny amount of Mr. Surfacer was needed on the wing roots and as you see here that has not been smoothed down yet.
The engines are not yet glued onto the wings and are just pressed into place for this picture, the fit of the engines is flawless.
The wheels have been assembled and painted, the wheels look clean like what you would expect to see on a Lexus car in the show room, next time you see them they will look like they have been in a war.

The old Arii Ki-61 kit has not fit together all that well...check out the gap on the upper egine cowling. Yikes! :frantic
Below are some wartime photographs of Ki-61's, this first photograph is poor quality but the Ki-61 in the background sports a wild looking camouflage pattern...I have not seen one quite like this. :woohoo:
Here are a couple other photographs of Ki-61's that do not appear in my reference books.
This is a well known Ki-61 photograph but is still interesting just the same.