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I think I'm turning Japanese...


For the past seven+ years I have been using the Iwata Revolution BR airbrush for doing all the camouflage painting on my models.
This is an airbrush you might want to consider purchasing and here is why....it can spray fine detail just as well as my more expensive purpose built airbrushes but costs a fraction of what they did.
Also model paints are not always of the best quality and the Revolution BR seems to work with them better than my other airbrushes can do and when spraying fine lines or small mottling it can do so reliably without the nozzle clogging, the green paint that I used to paint the camo on the Ki-61 was some old paint that is starting to badly thicken up in the bottle but was able to thin it enough to use but its been my experience that when paint starts to go bad it may not always spray fine detail well even if its thinned properly, the Revolution BR allows you to get away with bending the rules a bit. My other airbrushes pretty much require good fresh paint for micro painting or they don't work that well no matter how much the paint is thinned.

I'll vouch for Matrix ' quotes on the airbrush (y)

He convinced me some time back . I was using the Iwata HP-B which has a slightly smaller nozzle orifice and I kept having issues ... :bang head

Since switching to the BR , I have not had any more paint issues :D and I use acrylics .

The right amount of thinner and retarder is key to Acrylics though but the AB. was the difference.

Truth is about the smaller nozzles is that they are intended for inks , not modeling paints.

Cheers, Christian B)
Thanks Luiz and Christian!

The Revolution BR works so good for painting scale models I wonder why Iwata does not market this airbrush to scale modelers.
Were it not for my painting experiments and practice sessions I never would have thought the Revolution BR would be that good at painting fine detail and discovered it by accident. After deciding to paint an entire model with the BR I was so happy with the result that I never went back to my other airbrushes. The Iwata CM-1 and HP-BS are fantastic airbrushes but I can paint fine detail with the BR just as well and use less quality paint while doing it.

All decals are now on the Ki-61 and I can paint the rest of the camouflage...the Revolution BR will be put through its paces on this model. :)





Thanks James!

Nothing done with the Ki-61 the past 24 hours but some progress was made on the Dinah III, the canopy was masked and glued on the airframe, then the frames were painted the interior color.
Painting the exterior should start Thursday.



Thanks Bob and Luiz!

The painting of the rest of the field applied style of camouflage on the Ki-61 has been done today and this went pretty smoothly.
Before I could start painting the green camouflage streaks some damp grains of salt were placed on the model, the salt was placed on the wing roots and near the cockpit and the effect I was after was to simulate the rough field applied paint being worn off.





Later on I will use a silver artists pencil to refine some of the paint chipping.

Outstanding Les! Your attention to the smallest details really takes your models beyond many other Masters. Brilliant work!
Dear Les.

Great control with the airbrush, fantastic as always :good: ... the salt technique was very effective here :dude


Thanks guys!

After looking at the pictures of the salt weathering technique I did on the Ki-61 and comparing them to photographs of full size Ki-61's I did not like the way the chipped paint effect looked on the model...I just did not put enough damp salt on before spraying the green paint. To remedy this I used some fine grade sand paper and water and carefully and sanded away a little of the green paint in the places where I wanted the paint to look worn off, this was a great success.
When the weather improves enough I will take some pictures of what I did, as it is now we are getting hammered with rain and some wind gusts, this is not normally an issue that prevents me from taking my in-progress pictures but my carport was recently flooded for the third time this winter and it still has too much water in it to even try and get pictures. ;)

A base coat of undersurface light gray was sprayed on the Dinah followed by spraying on a darker version of the same shade of light gray on all the panel lines.


Next a highly thinned coat of very pale gray will be sprayed over some of the panels and even a few panel lines...trying to not keep both sides of the model the same.

The Ki-61 had some of the green streaks sanded off using some fine grade sandpaper and water. Now the paint wear on the cockpit area and wing roots look like they should! :)




Thank you Luiz!

The drop tanks for the Ki-61 were assembled and painted, these were painted in the slightly off-yellow color this type was known to use...I have no idea if the particular aircraft I am modeling ever used this color of drop tanks but I doubt if anybody could prove they did not so yellow they shall be! B)


The Dinah III has had the pre-shading toned down, this is the best pre-shading job I have ever done and am happy with it, too bad it will barely be seen on the finished model. ;)




After the paint is dry I will mask off the undersurface and paint the rest of the camouflage.

The drop tanks look fantastic. They will really make this plane pop. Exceptional work on the underside of the Dinah; it looks like all this practice is paying off. I still can't do that at all, much less as well as you. Keep plugging man, these aircraft are stunning!