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hawkenstein 2 finished


Active member
yes folks here i go again.

i have been having a blast here lately and i thought why not go with the flow.

since the original hawkenstein i have been iching to try even more detail work on one of them birds. thinking about the hawk and all the wonderful stuff i have i thought why not.

now let me set the stage. this is going to be me posting the fun. i am going to take a monogram/revell p-40b in 1/48 and i am going to try to add a ton of detail and have a boatload of fun. to be honest i am excited about building again. my funk may be in the past, not sure, i hope so though. i havent thought of the markings. i havent thought out the build other than the initial cuts which i am going to show you soon. i am just going with it. and the best part i am going to involve the audience a little. yep. you get to join me in some decision making.

let me start with the kit. a basic monogram/revell kit in 1/48.


and what the sprues look like. sorry got excited and didnt really get close ups just a distance shot.


now the first cuts. flaps and such are now separate.




now i got to tell you i have never redone panel lines nor have i tried to do recessed rivits. not sure about doing that on this one either.

now you may have noticed some additional cuts. how about the access panel? or the fuel slots?


now when i was doing this my eye caught an interesting possibility. i have a resin engine for this. i also have o2 bottles. i have some other goodies as well. that got me thinking on how to make the access panel. the last time i tried this it was sloppy at best. this time i wanted a nice clean look. so i took some aluminum foil. using a cotton bud i burnished the foil down over the hatch as molded on the fuse. i then cut out the impression and taped it to an aluminum pop can i had previously cut up. i then cut out the hatch. IT WORKED. success. then i thought well if i was to open the engine area up, could i reconstruct some panels, oh YEAH. sucess again.



hmmm got to work tomorow but this could be so much fun.

now for the first of the you get to help questions.

what do you think?
-open the engine compartment and have fun detailing.
-just build it closed up.

what do you think?????

comments and criticisms are encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2

you have better eyes than I my friend. Go ferit!

The thin skin panels are so often overlooked when someone makes an open panel build. You're on the right track, looking forward to this.

Re: hawkenstein 2

many thanks for the kind words. this is really the first time i have opened up like this across all the boards i am on. the mustang wasnt more than make some stuff and she is closed up. i have done this type of thing all of four times (major destruction/construction) and twice (really cut up a hawk). i guess to be honest this is me saying i learned some things can i repeat what it looked like.

this poll will be open until tomorow morning and then i will proceed. of course i will document the events should i open her up.

Re: hawkenstein 2

ok day two...

today was the day for some destruction. first i made some cuts on the fuse so the engine would be viewed. then when i saw how much i had opened it up well to be honest i panicked.

when i calmed down some i started taking a look at what needed to be done. first i sanded down the interior details in the pit. i then started the building up process again. i added the ribs and then looked at how the pit floor would sit. i then mocked up a fuel tank so i could figure out how much room i needed. then i constructed a hydrolic tank and the fuel hoses for the fuel tank. while i looked that over i started thinking about the engine compartment and the bulkhead between the engine and the pit. well i played a little with that as well.

between the turkey and the plastic it really wasnt too bad of a day.










honestly i just keep thinking that i am missing something.


comments, criticism, critiques encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/22/2012

thanks for looking in and the encouragement.

saul it is satisfying for sure. especially when the part looks halfway decent.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

well now an update.

over the last week or so i have played a bit with the pit and the engine compartment.




and with some paint.



now with this i also wanted to play a bit with the firewall and the engine mounts. i have found several dozen versions of the engine mounts and went with something similar to what is on one of the better p-40 sites.




you will notice i also redid the firewall. this is definitely a better version and allows a bit more detail without looking overboard. now for some help. what do you think of the engine mounts? they are but a mock up. they are not set in stone yet. i also have looked this seat and frame over and i am not happy with it. i plan to redo the seat and frame. all of this that you see in this update is prior to any plumbing. i plan to add just a bit to give the impression of what is there but not going overboard. i have to also add some detail to the engine mounts when i get comfortable with them. i want to mock up the mounts and the engine and get that squared away as well.

comments, critiques, criticism encouraged.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

The nice thing about those ancient Monogram/Revell kits is they are so low in cost that you don't mind doing major surgery on them.

The engine mount is looking pretty good. I'd add some putty to fair in the jounts of the various tubes. Is this the mount you're going to use or is it just an experiment and you'll build another one?

I have the book by Robert Scott, GOD IS MY CO-PILOT and it's a very interesting read. It was fascinating how Claire Lee Chennault was able to use the strengths of the P-40 to counter the weaknesses of the Zero.

I'm going to following your build with interest.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

tank many thanks. i am looking at this now and if i dont have anyone tell me that this it totally wrong i will keep it. i do have to smooth out some of the joints for sure. i also have to add the prominent bolts and such that i see in pictures.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

tank many thanks. i am looking at this now and if i dont have anyone tell me that this it totally wrong i will keep it. i do have to smooth out some of the joints for sure. i also have to add the prominent bolts and such that i see in pictures.


Your build is encouraging me to dig out my 1/48 scale Hobbycraft Avro CF-100 Mk IV model I've worked on off and on for some time now. I too have done a lot of cutting out/off of parts. Their is immense satisfaction in taking one of these older inexpensive kits and building something unique from it.

Good luck with your build. I hope you continue to really enjoy it.

Re: hawkenstein 2 11/29/2012

i am glad to be of help tank. honestly it is the reason i like the r/m kits. you can really add a ton. i just wish i was better with scratching parts. mine look pretty sloppy. although this attempt is better than previous attempts. would you believe i was in a pretty long slump prior to the first hawkenstein? just the excitement of tearing something apart and rebuilding it caused a large amount of motivation in me. it is a wave that i am really enjoying.

besides not many do this in 1/48.
