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Having some Realistic Water trouble...


Well-known member
About to put the finishing touches on my WWI soldier for the War to End All Wars build...need to add a bit of this Woodland Scenics stuff to the puddle. I've never had any issues with it before but the puddle is right on the edge of the base and the painters tape I tried to use as a dam bleeds and leaks right through...any ideas for what else to use folks??
Have you tried using aluminum foil or perhaps wax paper? You'll have to put some kind of seal on it though, to keep it from wicking around the edges. Maybe a super thin line of silicon or something like that.
Look for Migs newest weathering magazine on Water.

It's rounded off and resin....maybe I'll try another type of tape and then put down a thin bead line of Elmer's to seal it up like Adam mentioned...

James-- looks interesting but I don't have spare funds to be buying any magazines or anything model-related any time soon. This has been the year for big appliances breaking and house repair problems...and the place isn't even ten years old :(. The space I need to "waterize" is relatively small-- I just need the stuff to stay put!

Thanks Ron-- again-- that costs money and I'm trying to work with what I have...
I'd probably try using clear plastic packing tape or something to that effect, that isn't porous or can absorb the resin. I'd probably also use the non adhesive side up against where you're pouring, in the hopes that the adhesive side could cause problems, but that's just a guess.
Without seeing a photo of your prob it's a stab in the dark, but when I did the Dambusters dio I used blu tack for a dam (pardon the pun!) to hold the water effect liquid until it dried.

Then simply removed the blue tack from the dio


Was wondering if that would work Phil- good to know. I put a bead line of white glue down last night and I'll check tonight to see how it came out...it doesn't need to be a deep layer...just enough to look right ;)