GAVIA 1/48 Albatros D.I (plywood done 1-1)
Thanks everyone!
Overall, I am quite happy with how it turned out I do need to get another one of the RB Productions masks as it is starting to tatter. I had to trim the thick strengthening sides down to a thread to make it work on this small kit. They actually have 4 different PE masks out for the plywood stuff and they do work fairly well.
So here is the process:
[li]Base paint the light color overall.[/li]
[li]Mix a contrasting tan or brown color, somewhat thin so it can spray a thin swath with low pressure. Only need a few drops.[/li]
[li]Mask off a panel and spray your darker color. It helps to spray from about an inch to an inch and a half away.
I repeat, low air pressure, as the masks don't tend to set all the way down.[/li]
[li]Do several panels and then mix a slightly different color.[/li]
[li]Be sure to swap masks and positions you spray through.[/li]
[li]If you have a panel that is a little light on detail do a second spray with the new color. Be sure to align the markings so it goes the same directions.[/li]
[li]When all the panels are done, it will look rather stark and most of the plywood on aircraft is not so stark. As I use enamels, I mixed some medium tan with Testors clear flat and lightly spray this over all the panels. It adds a little protection and subdues the contrast a little.[/li]
[li]Do that lightly and a little at a time. You can always add more but can't remove it once it is sprayed on.[/li]
[li]Let it dry a bit![/li]
[li]Now the tricky part mixing the Tamiya clear colors to get the right orange tinge.[/li]
[li]Mix mostly clear yellow. Add some orange to the yellow. No more than 1 part orange to 2 parts yellow. Less will give a lighter tint. If you really want an aged look add 1 drop of clear red (ONLY 1 Drop), a partial drop is better. The red has a little different tone than the orange and even mixed with the yellow will give a reddish cast.[/li]
[li]We are only talking about 14 drops yellow, 6 drops orange, and 1 drop of red here. Easy to mix more. Add thinner, I used the Tamiya thinner to get it right.[/li]
[li]Spray in light layers to get the desired coloring, and then set it aside to dry fully.[/li]
I am thinking that I will try it with more yellow and less orange when I do the next one.