Hey thanks, friends!! Going for something different here, so I pinned the fenders on temporarily with brass wire and Blue Tack.
I cut the fenders in pieces, I'm planning to remove the parts that are grey after the camo is applied.
While I was waiting for the grass to dry out, I hit the paint booth. I wanted to do another stripey pattern, again using the AK Interactive German Camo paint set.
First, the light bands, using AK-007 Dunkelgelb Light Base.
Next, I used the AK-169 Rotbraun Base for my brown stripes.
This is a little light for my taste, but filter layers will darken it to a nice fade.
Finally, the green stripes with AK-172 Olivgrun Base.
After mowing the lawn, the paint has dried enough to remove the fenders and see what we have.
Lots of touch ups to do, but I'm happy with the effects. Thanks for looking!