Re: Classic Airframes 1/48 Do17Z
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mounted the engines without gluing the prop shafts solid! a smear of sewing machine oil on the shafts
stopped the Ca glue spreading to them
Looking good . One thing I noticed as well in my earlier builds is the amount of contrast between the two paints .
The artist rendering usually don't look as dramatic between the greens . I'm not sure how much the paints would actually fade in the European conditions . Food for thought
HA! I knew there had to be something out there to keep CA in it's place. I'm assuming this is a very light oil? Why hasn't anyone told me about this before??
Compare the splinter seen on this captured aircraft to this one:Check the two green paints under the cockpit
Note that the Swiss aircraft seen here were purpose built Bf 109E3a with different weapons and overall dark green over light blue gray.unfaded on this one
This is one of the Versuchs (trials) series of Bf 109E-0 which were painted in overall flat black as 'night fighters." Note the non standard placement of the upper wing crosses and the painted over sections were the standard ones were. A close study of the fuselage sides show the codes painted over as well. Note the Exhaust covers on both.the port wing cross
Why is this starting to appear to be a rumble ?