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Bf109E-4/7 TROP - complete


Active member
This is the Tamiya offering in 1/48 scale.
I started this a couple of months ago. This is my second attempt at an aircraft.
I see that there are a couple of these being built in the Campaign section and some other sizes a variants throughout the forum. It will be fun and interesting to see them all come to completion.

Thanks for checking in.

Stay tuned,


Bf109E-4/7 TROP

Progress payment.
The cockpit with together without a hitch (as one expect from Tamiya).
I installed the vent tube(?) on the fuel tank using a very fine (1/64" dia.) hypo. needle. The bore is almost invisible to the naked eye. (At least my eyes :laugh: :( )

The Canopy was masked with Tamiya tape, and assembled and fastened to the fuse. with 560 glue. it bonds well, dries clear, and will not "craz" the clear plastic parts. I had it left over from my RC airplane days, but it works well here.

Thanks for looking.





Bf109E-4/7 TROP

The underside and the fuselage (along with the fuel tank and landing gear covers) were paainted with Tamiya light blue and white, with a little light grey thrown in (it was the mix in the instructions). This was post shaded with a little bit of grey added to the mix for shadow. I masked the small access covers with liquid mask. Caution: the liquid mask worked well (came off like it was supposed to) on the bottom because I used gloss white in the mix. This gave the paint a semigloss sheen which the mask easily relesed from. No so on the top surfaces which were all flat sheen. the mask would not release without agressive scratching which removed the paint underneath. :bang head You have been warned. :huh:

"Shut up and show us the pictures"

OK, ... couple of pics.

Thanks for looking,



Bf109E-4/7 TROP

A little more.
I used he same post shade technique on the top side to add some contrast to the panel lines and seams. It look kind of harsh when the masking was first removed, but is not so stark after weathering, decals etc...
I painted the cowls (top and bottom), landing gear, fuel tank, and rudder off the plane. Leaving the top cowl off afford you a place to hold the model (with a spring clamp) while painting, etc... FYI.

Thanks for looking,


Bf109E-4/7 TROP

I really do like the scheme you chose, Bill. It's very well done.
Out of all the Tamiya 48th single engine fighter kits, this is the only one I have never owned. Yours is candy to look at. (y)
Bf109E-4/7 TROP

Looks great Bill!!

I haven't built any planes (yet), but this is one I'd like to do. Love the
yellow on the, umm...nosey part.

Hmmm, wonder how the 560 stuff would work for small PE pieces...

Bf109E-4/7 TROP

Dang Bill, if you'd held off a bit you could have gotten into our Mess of Messerschmitt, it's 109 city over there.

It's looking great so far.
Bf109E-4/7 TROP

Well well, :pilot

Thanks Mcleod. You’re too kind. Welcome to the forum!
Thanks PauLw!
Thanks Luiz!
Thanks Christian!
Thanks Tom. I never thought of the glue application. It may work if used sparingly (to keep the bulk down). Yellow nose? I never understood that. They work so hard on camo, and then paint the nose and tail bright colors. Kind of like a fully camoed deer hunter with a bright orange vest. ?
Thanks James!
Thank you Ian!
Thanks Bob. Yea, … my planning method regarding what models to build, and when, pretty much resembles someone with no plan at all. :laugh: :(

I kind of dropped the ball on the photos in the final stages. I'll get some completion shots posted up soon.
Thanks for taking a look everyone.


Bf109E-4/7 TROP

Lets call this one done.
It got clear gloss coated with Tamiya Clear (X-22) for a smooth surface for the decals .I cleared it again and applied a wash of white artist oils to fade the paints, and tie eveyrthing together. More clear to seal it, and then black enamel pin-washes for the panel lines and raised detail. Some scratches done with silver enamel here and there.

The landing gear, tail gear. Cowls, fuel tank, and spinner/prop were left off till the end. EZ line (fine-black) was used for the antenna.

Goofs: 1.) In my enthusiasm to mask and glue on the canopy, I left out the armor shield in the canopy. 2.) I can’t believe that I got to the end and then snapped off the mast for the antenna. I tried to fab one from styrene and pin it with 1/64 music wire, but just went for a piece of music wire instead. :blush: :( ;)

All in all a great kit. Thanks to all for looking and commenting.







