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''B'' is for Blohm & Voss

Thank you Bob and Ian.

The airbrush we use is proof positive that you don't have to spend big bucks for an airbrush that is ideal for painting scale models...I try to let others know about this but some people are thick and insist on buying high priced detail airbrushes and then they later ask for help on the various model forums for getting their airbrush to spray fine lines. :facepalm Oh well! :laugh:

Thanks once again Dave! :)

Before I spray on the pale RLM 76 to tone down the white highlights I decided to add some black for the exhaust stains and control surface gaps and the gun ports.




Sometimes it's scary how similarly we approach our projects, Les.

The pre-shading for the MiG 17 I'm doing for the 'From Russia With Love' campaign was done in almost the same way. Also started spraying black straight from the bottle as localised pre-shading just for exhaust plumes. Found this works really well too.

The black detail painting and white highlights have been covered up by a thin coat of pale RLM 76, I know the pre-shade/white highlights look way too strong here but after the rest of the painting and weathering is done this will not stand out at all and blend in nicely. ;)
Can't wait to see the finished model now!




Thanks again Bob.

The RLM 81/82 splinter pattern has been masked off and painted, I elected to not age the paint at this point, I will finish up the painting and add the markings first and then go back and add some subtle paint fading with the airbrush. This way the markings will better match the paint job.





Thanks Sherman,

Not much painting to be done today, masking off the Arado to prepare for painting the undersurfaces is not nearly as easy a job as painting the splinter pattern on the Blohm & Voss and is taking far longer to do.

Love the way you've managed to make the standard RLM pattern work on the BV's (odd) fuselage layout. Very smart, Les.

Thanks guys!

The splinter pattern will be partly covered up by some field applied camouflage...painting is in no way finished on this one. :soldier

The yellow tactical markings have been painted on.

The rudder looks poorly painted but that's by design, when I sprayed on the white base coat before adding the yellow paint I made sure the white base coat was patchy looking so when I sprayed the yellow over the white it looked like thinly applied yellow paint. The effect I am after is a roughly painted on and weathered yellow rudder like was seen on some Luftwaffe planes on the Eastern front in 1945.



Thanks Dave and Ian!

Here is the Blohm & Voss after only a few of the decals have been put on, the Revell decal sheet has a mass of tiny stencil service marking decals on it. There is no quick way to place all of them so this will take some time to do.
Also the spiral on the spinner has been hand painted and it is ready for placement on the model when the time comes.



