SOooooo, the Naughtiness continues.........................

A Man can modify the Quickboost propeller tool to install the Curtiss electric cuffed blades or the Rotol Scimitars. As an American, I wish for the Curtiss parts. The consensus so far is the Rotols look cooler.

No, these are not being molded. This 'Forest of propeller blades" is to paint the tips lellow and the blades black. Cleaning Anigrand's resin with Windex works really well.

Cockpit, with F2H Banshee canopy in place. Hey! The Banshee is a McDonnell product! Stop laughing and pointing! Saints preserve us!
Whaddya mean you cain't see the cockpit?

There! That's better, isn't it? Headrest armor, radio, HUD and control stick. I would love to pose this canopy open, but I hesitate to do so, since I sold Bob the other vac-form Banshee canopy with his 1/72 P-67 (whatever he wants) Moonbat model kit.

What to do, what to do..................
WAIT! I know!! Buy some more parts for this Model! It worked before!!

Thanks for riding along with The Bad Man!