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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

no need to ask... we all have a very good idea of how you obtained first hand knowledge...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Only problem is the nests under the eaves are about 35 feet in the air...spray won't reach them...I need to hang out the second story window to really get them...not sure if Mats trick will work with the nest that far up...but might be worth a try...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

hang the traps out side the windows....

I still like the flame thrower idea....
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

you'd get the enemy but the collateral damage may not be covered by insurance.

May have to just go ahead and...

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Gosh James you get the best of everything up there ! We have been getting sweltering heat here until this weekend .

I would not recommend spraying wasp unless both your feet are firmly on the ground. Counterattack at that height would be a seriously risky.

The fire thrower is not totally a joke ( not the Army kind ) but again you need both feet on the ground :fencing

Good luck with those pesky critters

Christian B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

O boy,sure is hot here,34 degrees Celcius[don't know what that is in Fahrenheit].
Did try to do some modeling,but I just cannot concentrate in this heat. :(

Sweaty greetings,Ron.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I hear you Ron. 27 here, but it feels hotter. Just spent 5 hours on the lake. Not a single nibble, but people were catching some nice ones.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Got my notice today. :(
So, again back in the limbo known as unemployment. This is really starting to get depressing.
On the bright side, after I have got the miserable garden back in shape, I might get some time for modelling. But probably I will not feel like it when that happens....
And what really irritates me is that they recently employed a couple of other service techies, who probably couldn't repair a wire coat hanger without a You Tube Video or I Fix It guide to follow....
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

That absolutely sucks.

They have me doing a job that a well educated 15 year old could do... But it is a job.

Good luck with the job search.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sorry to hear that Magnus. I hope you find something soon. Maybe they will realize they let the wrong guy go and call you back.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

And what really irritates me is that they recently employed a couple of other service techies, who probably couldn't repair a wire coat hanger without a You Tube Video or I Fix It guide to follow....

That's the curse of our business. One of the reasons I closed shop, people were paying high school kids $20.00 a hour to fix there problems, over and over and over, instead my $75.00 per hour one time stop and fix it right the first time.

Hang in there, one door closes, another opens. :zen :zen
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Håller tummarna för dig Magnus, hoppas att du hittar ett jobb snart igen (lite ledigt skadar väl inte :) )
The heat is away and today it was around 25 degress (celsius) last week and the weekend it was well over 30, and i choosed the right work for this heat.... WELDER! pff by breakfast my overall was soaking wet.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hold on there Magnus: as bagge said, we've all "håller tummarna för dig"!!! Never would I've thought that you'd be having employment problems in Sweden - that is, if you are living in Sweden presently! :idonno

Hope you find another job soon and that it is better than the old one! :eek:hyeah

Cheers and best of luck to ya! :dude
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hold on there Magnus: as bagge said, we've all "håller tummarna för dig"!!! Never would I've thought that you'd be having employment problems in Sweden - that is, if you are living in Sweden presently! :idonno

Hope you find another job soon and that it is better than the old one! :eek:hyeah

Cheers and best of luck to ya! :dude

Sweden is a nice country in many ways, but unemployment is quite high at the moment, and it is a hard time getting a job when you have passed 40. The youth cult is stronger than ever. Some interviews I've been to have been like a show. They seriously think that people under 30 has more experience in computers and cell phones. It's like they think that instant Alzheimer's came on my 40th birthday, and I suddenly forgot everything learned in the years before.....;)

Thanks for the support.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Remind them that our generation invented a lot of this stuff! :rotf
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Remind them that our generation invented a lot of this stuff! :rotf

Already tried it. They just look at you with that "deer in the headlight" look, and start talking about how it is easier for young people to understand the target group.....:)
The funny thing is that they still havn't understood that the group with the best purchasing power is males above 40. And that includes the prestige symbols of "their generation".
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

no, DUH!

@58 I am absolutely over the hill and no one wants an experienced teacher when they can get some 23 year old (who has zero experience) for half the salary
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I've been unemployed for a year next month. I sell a few motorcycle spares on E-bay and do a bit of IT work running a couple of web sites. I have some investments that 5 years ago would have given an income but now the markets are dead and the interest rate on savings in the UK is .5% (1/2%). I rely on my stash to keep me in models. I use my van as it does 45mpg, my car does 25mpg.... I eat a lot of beans and cheap food :) there are always people a lot worse off than me :) anyone who will benefit from the "call to arms" for starters. If you have your health the rest is up to you :)
No one wants a tool maker now, we don't make anything any more so 36 year learning was a waste of time !