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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Going fishing with the oldest this weekend. Not looking forward to the canoeing, but maybe I can get some nice Pike or trout for supper.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Sounds like a great time James, let him do the rowing. Be careful! (y)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Becarefull who going in a outdoor adventure or sport, very nice remember by Bob.

I'll post some pics at Hot Rod Campaing, work, then go to the supermarket :vmad , and be with my girlfriend
At night, even that was to sleep because we both got a flue :vmad :java


Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am singing at a wedding this afternoon... In full dress uniform! Haven't had it on in 20 years, but it still fits... I knew diabetes was good for something. I'll try to get a picture.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am singing at a wedding this afternoon... In full dress uniform! Haven't had it on in 20 years, but it still fits... I knew diabetes was good for something. I'll try to get a picture.

Oooooooooh SEXY :geek
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Plumbing. Gotta fish a toothbrush out of the downstairs toilet bend, and replace the sink trap mechanism in the bedroom bath. But I AM going to take an excursion to Military Hobbies and Brookhurst Hobbies toady, by gum! I haven't been to a hobby shop in weeks and weeks.

Gotta paint the surrounding areas of the cockpit RLM 66 in preparation of gluing that ding-danged canopy on, too. :gogo
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Have you had withdrawal symptoms yet Chuck? Sounds horible to go without a hobby shop for that long.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I've actually been a bit depressed since The Military Shop closed down months ago. Maybe a tour of two shops will help.

Toilet update- flushing well, no sign of toothbrush.

Sink: a simple part swap-out (famous last words!)

Canopy surround: all painted up.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I went to do some airbrushing today. But I guess it was just too hot. The paint started to thicken up when coming out of the airbrush. :idonno
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Just finishing up the two contest builds for the SMA contest and then I'll take a day off and start on the LVT-4 and 105mm in earnest...along with finally finishing the Verlinden figure!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

But I AM going to take an excursion to Military Hobbies and Brookhurst Hobbies toady, by gum! I haven't been to a hobby shop in weeks and weeks.

Dude, you live this close to me? Man, I never knew that! Military Hobbies is having a sale where you draw your own savings from a bowl and it's applied to all your purchases. I'm due to go down to one or two of those hobby shops myself; I need paint most of all! I got a Dora to paint...

Man, too bad you've never come down to Hobby Day when we had them on Mondays....

Maybe you can make a Friday Night one.

Yesterday I was at the Ontario Model Contest. Took my armored train and three other completed models. Got shut out.... no surprise there; the competition was extreme! Picked up a few goodies in the vendor room but nothing else. Had a blast anyway!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


This is what I did yesterday... but I'll be damned if I can get the link to work... stupid photobucket...

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I can't get the stupid photobucket link to work either Barney. But you sound great! (y)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hi, Mark- remember chatting at the Pasadena show about your train? It's funny neither of us made the "real world" vs MA connection! I'm in Redondo- where are you again? I drew a 15% off from the hat- I picked up a PV-1 at last, as well as the new Squadron B-24 book and a Lion Roar PE hinge and handle jig. I got some pigments and two tyoes of AK fluid Effects at Brookhurst. :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I am avoiding hail! The weather channels says 93 degree Fahrenheit but I am dodging hail!



Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


Be sure to check you roof. After a nasty hail storm here, my GF had to replace her roof due to hail damage.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hmmm, my roof is starting to have some age on it and insurance replacement would be a good option.:coolio

Alas, no hail here. ( Most likely a blessing )

Cheers, Christian B)