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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

First time I had Frogmore/Low Country Boil was in '07 at the Penn Center on St Helena... damn it was good. I fix it a couple of time a year, just so folks around here can remember what good eats are...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


Today has turned into Figure day, its all I've worked on today, spent quite a bit of quality time at the desk today.

Broke out the milliput to fill the gaps on the 2 figures I just entered in the figure campaign, and I figured while I was at it, I'd pull out 2 more figures I've been working on and fill teh gaps on those as well. Need to find a couple others I've been working on, and see if they need any gap filling as well.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Today I'm heading out to the Pasadena Valleycon for George Creed's contest. I'll be entering my German armored train there as well as several other models.

If you read this and you are also coming, feel free to look me up!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hahahaa- that was YOU! Congrats on your award- I was that chrome-dome dude asking you how the train was used. I got a gold for my Me410- whoo-hoo! Nice to meet you, neighbor!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Even the SOB club comes up with pictures. Well, now and then anyhow.

Congrats to you guys !
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Really! :idonno I know Chuk has pictures of his Me-410.... No excuses, at all... :bang head
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hahahaa- that was YOU! Congrats on your award- I was that chrome-dome dude asking you how the train was used. I got a gold for my Me410- whoo-hoo! Nice to meet you, neighbor!

Chuck it was great to meet you too! Man, we got to get together more often man! Chuck, I checked out that Me-410, that was exquisite! Excellent job and a well-deserved award!

Yeah, I regret not having pics. I was in such a hurry to get to the show I left my camera and my cell phone at home! I do have a friend who shot pics of all the 1/72 scale armor for me, as well as the two awards I got as well. Once he e-mails them to me, I'll get them posted.

Hmm, maybe we should set up a new Forum called the Trophy Case so we can all show off our awards we get in contests! B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well errr ... not to deflate your ballon but we like to see pictures of other builds as well. :popcorn

We have already seen your tank and Chuck's ME 410.

Cheers, Chistian B)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

After work today I played a little Baseball with my little girl. Started as just catch then she got me to pitch to her. I have a 6 year old that can switch hit. She just started that tonight. I have no idea where she got all the talent for baseball. I was horrible and did not like the game (still not wild about it). It comes easy for her and she loves it.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

You go girl! Show Dad what the game is about!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Okay, just got to work to find I forgot my breakfast and lunch by the front door. Thus the day begins. Cant wait to see how it goes :gogo
In serious need of Java.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Neither of my daughters were very good at baseball or soccer or anything else athletic... Thank God that is the only thing they inherited from their mom...

:gogo :gogo :gogo :gogo :gogo :gogo

What ever it is that is going around, I got it... :sick: :sick: :sick:
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well errr ... not to deflate your balloon but we like to see pictures of other builds as well. :popcorn

We have already seen your tank and Chuck's ME 410.

Cheers, Christian B)

That's fine. I wasn't even going to post any of mine. I know you've already seen them all.

Stay tuned, they will go up as soon as I get them from my friend.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Ive been out trying to find a van to buy....no luck. I cant believe how difficult it is !! you either buy new or from..eh... gypsy's !! you would think it would be easy to spend £10000 in these days of recession but its not believe me :)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

A good used one is very difficult to find, people tend to keep them for a couple of years until they become trouble and then sell them but you cant get them from main dealers like Ford, they just sell new ones. They are mostly used and abused by three years old and can easily have 100k miles on the clock. A new Ford transit is £20,000 from a ford dealer
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I guess so, folks tend to buy vans for work related stuff and wear them out. Good luck Paddy
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?


When I was stationed @ RAF Mildenhall, there was no lack of any kind of vehicle! Anything from a Minor Estate to Rolls-Royce! Delivery vans? No Problem! Good luck with your search!