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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

If you want to take pictures of snow come to Canada. We have lots! Right James? Hope you are feeling better soon. :snoopy
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Holy OMG... it was 60° 2 days ago! There is a cosmic law that forbids 60° weather in February in the Mistake on the Lake! Not that i want the weather that our friends in Siberia have had...

Other than that, I am writing 4 staff reports, have take 2 FEMA on-line courses for the reserves, and even got some time on the bench!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Nice pics Ron! it is the same weather here in Belgium, i'm happy it's not to much snow :zen
We had snow this friday and it was chaos, 2cm (almost an inch) and the traffic stood still!
Looking forward to more pics from your new camera (y)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

WOW! 2cm and the place is in Chaos? :bang head

We get that much and call it a light dusting! :laugh:

That's Ok, though; I used to live in southern Alabama and if the weather man reported that snow was possible the whole state shut down! :yipee

Seriously, we got 3" once and the governor declared an emergency, power lines were down, roads closed, the whole deal. I just got in my car and drove to and from work like it was normal.

Spring is on the way!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well, summertyres and snow don't mix and not many people here bother to get wintertyres.
When i lived in sweden it was different, 10cm snow on the small roads, no problem you just take it easy and you can drive (with wintertyres with spikes).
Here they just put salt on the roads and so far i haven't seen a snowplow (not even last winter when it was really bad here) and the salt don't work good when it's below -10 celsius, so it's just to wait until it gets warmer :D
Glad i can be inside and don't have to go out, just one small problem... the water to the washmachine is frozen :( so we have to take all the wash to veerles parents for now :zen :zen :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

WOW! 2cm and the place is in Chaos? :bang head

We get that much and call it a light dusting! :laugh:

Be glad you're not down here, if they even call for snow they cancel school. Seriously, it happened last year.

Dusting shuts down everything in SC. Rightfully so, crazy rednecks don't know how do drive on the frozen stuff. They think it's the same as mud... :rotf
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Lordy Yes!

I was in San Benito, TX in 2006 when they had 3" of snow over night! The stupid rednecks just got in their pickem'up trucks and went flying down the highway at their usual 80MPH...

I laughed and laughed and laughed...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well, summertyres and snow don't mix and not many people here bother to get wintertyres.
When i lived in sweden it was different, 10cm snow on the small roads, no problem you just take it easy and you can drive (with wintertyres with spikes).
Here they just put salt on the roads and so far i haven't seen a snowplow (not even last winter when it was really bad here) and the salt don't work good when it's below -10 celsius, so it's just to wait until it gets warmer :D
Glad i can be inside and don't have to go out, just one small problem... the water to the washmachine is frozen :( so we have to take all the wash to veerles parents for now :zen :zen :drinks

I hear you about the wintertyres,Mats.
Really glad I have them on my car!
When you slip of the road in these winterconditions in the middle of nowhere,....you sure aren't happy!

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Watching the Super Bowl over a buddies house
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Studs are not allowed in Ohio and I don''t think chaina are anymore either... So we just drop into a 4WD and pray
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Watching the Super Bowl and getting some Gator's orders out.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Watching the Puppy Bowl, I don't care about sports...OK, switching back and forth. Commercials are good.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I wish they would just do a Marching band or something on the halftime show.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I wish they would just do a Marching band or something on the halftime show.

I only watched the halftime show and Madonna did have a marching band!

I know, I am a New Yorker and couldn't give a rodent's backside about football or any other sport whereby athletes make more $ than people who go out of their way to make positive change in society (like educators and so on...)

Before this gets 'political', I worked with impoverished children in Harlem, NYC, and saw many of them toss aside academics because they were going to be the next best thing in the NBA, NFL, and/or MLB. Especially sad was that I knew more about Black History (this is the month too) than they did. Very few could name more than three important people of color not involved in sports or entertainment.

It is the reason I sought out Tuskegee Airmen and brought them to the Tech Center and invited the local schools over to listen and learn.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

*begin rant* Arrrgh the thank you button is right above the reply button! *end rant*

Amen, Saul!

I taught African American History 1 year. The first day kids were asking: "What does some rich white man know about OUR history?"

I won't go any further... needless to say I certainly know more about anybody's culture than they did... Terrible waste of what could have been really good minds...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Damn Saul I wish I could have sat in on some of those classes. Just to listen to ANY airman that flew in WW2 is always awesome, but the redtails have an special place in history.

I have met an few airmen from WW2 here and just to hear them talk about the history from theyr point of view is FANTASTIC!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Okay drinking coffee trying to get going ready for work. Cats started waking me at 0200.Now I'm some tired. Going to be a long day today and I got lots to do.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I'm very glad our cats wait until they hear us, or see that we turn on the lights, before they start making noise :)
Hope the day goes fine and that you have a fresh cup of coffee whenever you need it!!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Cant be mad too long. Get a cold wet nose in the eye and then when I twitch the purr starts. Young Lynx has the most incredible thrum, very loud and bass. They've just gone back to bed with the wife while I try and top up the java system. I guess I better get to work.