I'm also sending my best wishes and prayers for a successful job interview. Good luck!
And now, here's another small update, only because I don't know when I'll be able to get back to the bench again.
I'll start with the pics of the work I started on the 1/72 scale Space Shuttle with Boosters. Here is what I got done on that so far:
This Space Shuttle will be almost three feet tall when it's done!
Remember this RAF Rescue Launch that had the deck popped up on the bow? Well, I found a way to hold it down while I glued it in place.This also served to expand the sides of the hull to meet the edge of the deck so that this looks right when done:
Next I decided to do a bit more on the C-46 since I'd been trying to get this all closed up for awhile now. I finally succeeded, after first adding the interior and cementing in the fuselage windows:
Now the hull sides are together, but not before I had to do some selective sanding along the edge of the interior so this would close. I also only glued the top of the fuselage and the tail because I found that one of the fuselage sides was warped underneath:
Here you can see the gap from the warpage. Once the rest of the fuselage dries adequately, this will be easier to close:
After awhile, I decided to dry-fit the wings to the fuselage to see how big this monster is going to be:
The wings themselves have a lot of sanding and filling to be done to fix the many gaps and ill fitting edges that need attention. I already added some gap filling CA glue to the areas in question. They will be taken care of later.
Now on to the DC-6. This beastie took a lot of work. First off, here's a shot of all the broken parts of the landing gear.
There's actually a few parts still missing; if I can't find them, I'll have to get replacements cast from a C-118 kit I recently got.
Here are the two main landing gear bays where most of these parts go:
Here are the two main landing gear bays after the parts I did have were re-installed:
You can see the missing pieces I'm going to need to replace if I cannot find them. I didn't stop to look; that's what I get for letting this thing languish on my bench for so long. Moving on....
I added the landing gear doors to this model, sans the missing one...
There always seems to be just one missing....
Next I added the nose gear and nose gear doors:
Yes, the nose gear looks like hell. I had lost the original landing gear fork that is supposed to hold the nose wheel. What you see is my poor attempt to scratch build one just so I could move on with this instead of leaving it unfinished indefinitely. I had already given up on making this a 'contest worthy' model; too much went wrong from the beginning. I tried to do things that were beyond me for something of this magnitude, but hey, lessons learned....
Finally, here is a couple shots of this thing with all the parts on it. Yes, assembly is completed on this; all that is left is some touch-up painting and I'll be able to call this done:
I have it sitting up on "jacks" so that the landing gear and the gear doors all glue in the proper position. I can only hope that they do and that the landing gear will hold this beastie when I finally place it on a table for the finishing pics.
Okay, that is my small update for now. It might be awhile before I have anything else to show so I figured I should just post this now. This weekend I'll be going to the Pasadena Valleycon being held at the Ronald Reagan Library. I doubt I'll bring home any awards, but I will definitely have a blast, especially since it's happening on my birthday! Until next time, thanks everyone for looking in, comments are welcome.