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All Righty ... What's on the bench today?

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

the fettes bros - always good for a splendid joke! you gave me a good laugh david!

take care saúl and return home safe!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I trying to ignore the lawn that wishes to be a tropical rain forest if I dont get the mower out soon :(

Man, I hate yard work...so much so that I hired a guy to mow my lawn. I guess he doesn't like it much either, because I had to
call him up again to get him over here...finally showed up today.

And still trying to get my model room in order, it's getting there...slowly.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Take care Saul.

And David I have more than enough, but less than a Database worth of kids :D

MP Je n'parlez vous computereeze :evil: :D

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Hope it veers off into the ocean Saul!

I am not a fan of lawn work either, but soon enough it'll be firewood getting season and then snow plowing season...
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Drove about 500 miles.Then ate. Just chillin' now. :popcorn Gonna see what's good on youtube,
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Irene became a category 2 hurricane and its counterclockwise rotating tail cuased massive floodings, landslides, power and water outages.

To top it off, my son's ear began bleeding and I paid $150 at the emergency room to be told they did not have an ENT to go to San Juan which was in the midst of heavy rains and is over two hours away. I went the next day to an ENT in the town where Driver and Fledernaus live and paid $125 to get my boy a clean bill of health. Of course, the prescription drops were only $225.

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

500 bucks for a bleeding ear? :blink


at least you and your family are safe and sound!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Irene became a category 2 hurricane and its counterclockwise rotating tail cuased massive floodings, landslides, power and water outages.

To top it off, my son's ear began bleeding and I paid $150 at the emergency room to be told they did not have an ENT to go to San Juan which was in the midst of heavy rains and is over two hours away. I went the next day to an ENT in the town where Driver and Fledernaus live and paid $125 to get my boy a clean bill of health. Of course, the prescription drops were only $225.


Echo what Laura said, at least everyone is safe and sound. :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Glad your safe Saul. And glad the young fellow's okay.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Goodmorning everyone :Hiay
Looks like it's going to be a wonderful and sunny day after these last days of rain and thunder :D
Birthdayparty for one of the girls today, and maybe some modelling time this evening :drinks
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Well, we went to JÜLICH in Germany,for the European bat night.
And guess what,...we didn't see a single life one! :blink

The 'creatures of the night' just didn't want to show them selfs.
In normal conditions you can find the bats inside of JÜLICH citadel bastions,who are not open for public most time of the year,
to give the bats a good home.A guide told us there are around 400 bats living in the citadel.
We didn't see any bats at all,as they were too deep in the niches of the citadels stonework. :(

O well,as the Bat night was held at the impressive citadel,I might as well share some pictures with you;

As JÜLICH was pretty much 'bombed out'during WW2 you can still see some remains of that period.
Here is me with the infamous 'Acht Acht'[crazy 88].


Overhead view of the Citadel.
The center of it holds a school inside.


The entrance of the citadel.



MASSIVE walls!


Some rusty cannons.


The magpie uses them to relieve him self... :D



This is one of the 'creatures of the night' we hoped to see...but didn't!


The inside of JÜLICH citadel...


Took the chance to get behind the citadels designer working table,when nobody looked! :D


That's all folks!
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Thanks for the pix Ron.Sorry you did not see the bats. :(

Today,no driving. I have too much time to deliver this load in Atlanta. So I sit here in Louisiana. Yeah it is hot and muggy. :silly: Got some work done on some models while watching Convoy and To Hell and back.
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Very very cool. Now to research the place, looks interesting :)
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Ron now that look really very interesting citadel and of course love that 88 shame those things are not restored to its former powerful glory ( painting work and not actually live firing of course ) :hmmm
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

Great pictures Ron. Really nice to see these types of pictures. Those walls look formidable even today.

Is that a Frenchman standing on the rampart saying somethig about..."I fart in your general direction!" :mpup

sorry, couldn't resist..
Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

LOL,it does look a bit like that!!! :laugh:


I am glad there wasn't a cow barrage at JÜLICH citadel! :blink :D

Re: All Righty ... What are you doing today ?

I'm trying to fix a 1/72 scale f-104 I destroyed with paint thinnner from stripping a bad spray coat.

The body is fixed and it just got a bath and after it dries, well we will see...

After that I'm setting up a production line to knock out the 19 or so 1/32 German figures included with my unbuilt Tamiya kits. This is something i havn't done in awhile. During this I have a set of ejection seats for my Tomcat and some other small paintables. be good when this is all done.