All Righty ... What are you doing today ?
I'm pissed...
First, weatherman called for thunderstorms all day today. He couldn't have been more wrong, sunny, breezy temps in the low 70s and no humidity. Why Pissed? I thought bad weather I could hunker down in the garage and get some serious bench time in. :facepalm
OK so I have to be productive. I got out in the carport to clean out the mess, old stuff, trash it's all getting hauled off. I hear something fly over, big engine, eh...not sure what it was but it was gone pretty quickly. A minute later, another large engine aircraft, going east to west. Thought it may have been the previous one circling but no, slightly different. A minute later, ANOTHER! This time I start looking, I got a lot of trees around the house so spotting A/C is not easy, I catch a glimps of something, maybe 2000-2500 feet off to the north of me heading W/SW, low wing I could tell but could not make out the shape, it had some color on it. A MINUTE LATER...ANOTHER! This time twin engine, same location, same heading, moving fast. Still could not get a good enough view of it to ID. 3 more passed, each a minute (yeah I timed it) behind each other. Same thing, I could see one had fixed gear, another a high wing, all looked to be painted up, multicolored. They were like bees around me.
Then I heard a REALLY big multiengine A/C this one off to the south of me and heading the same direction. :idonno
I came inside and fired up Flightaware and Flightview and flightradar24 and zoomed in on Greenwood, didn't see anything so I guess they didn't file a flight plan or were not squawkin'. Someone might clue me in if that's the criteria for being tracked. I've used those websites to ID non commerical A/C before.
What pisses me off, something going on around here with some old birds and I don't know about it!!
