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Adobe photoshop


Well-known member
Never been happy with my pictures of models so splashed out on photoshop. didnt hold outa lot of hope as its not something you just use you basically have to learn it..


Quite pleased with this for a first attempt. bit grainy so i need to up the ISO and down the sharpness and head for about F8 which will mean a tripod but hey ho :)
This is a resin cockpit for a Harrier T12 , no one makes a T12 model so you have to convert a RAF GR7 ( later AV8B)

Guess what i am going to do next. My worry now is i will not be able to cover up the mistakes with poor photography :)
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I have used Canvas for years and take multiple shots then import them and choose the best. Usually it is zooming in, cropping, and changing the resolution of the photo to make it work better online. I also have page setups for the frame, text and a few other things so I don't really spend much time working with the program. Most of what I use to enhance the photos is "brightness" and "contrast" though occasionally I will use some other tools to get different results.
In addition Canvas has the ability to make dimensional drawings and with the ability to import photos, I can use them to get the detail sized and set the way I want it.
Like Adobe products, Canvas is now a damn subscription and since they keep screwing with the program, removing useful tools and being pigs about the crap they are doing, I refuse to do any more upgrades. Like a number of other big software companies, they have their heads buried quite deep up a dark stinky hole and refuse to listen to any complaints about how poor their product has become.
I am going to ask what are you using to take pictures and what file format are you using. If you are shooting in a raw format you can do so much more with your pictures. To remove the grainy look or the noise as we like to call it, go to detail tab in photoshop and play with the noise reduction slider.

If you have any question just ask away, I have been using photoshop for a few years and still have so much to learn.

Here is your picture and all I did was turn down the noise.
I use a Nikon D300 in raw format.
I have daylight pictures sorted but i live in quite a dark north facing flat so lighting is always a problem indoors. i will find my round photoshop as i use it more.
I use a Nikon D300 in raw format.
I have daylight pictures sorted but i live in quite a dark north facing flat so lighting is always a problem indoors. i will find my round photoshop as i use it more.
Good deal, sometimes I get lost in Photoshop as there are some many options you can use. Good luck.
I bounce between a number of programs but mainly use Zoner for my photo stuff as I was paying for photoshop but just found it to be overly complicated, plus I never like their art side of the program......I use Krita which is freeware but its a painting program so I match it with Zoner for post production stuff.
Currently learning Blender, which is another freeware program.
M position was i bought photoshop when a lot of these programs were not available years ago in the early 2000's and then recently found i could just upgrade what i had rather than buy new and that worked out a lot cheaper than buying from scratch.
I do use it for my business website so its a business expense :)
I take most of my pictures in manual mode, ISO 100, around F22 and with my light setup that is usually about a 4 second exposure. All my lights are 6000 Kelvin. There is no photo without a tripod, obviously. I use Corel Photopaint for post processing and resizing, Version X6. No subscriptions for me.
Nice. I've been wanting to play around with photo programs...but just haven't found the time to learn any kind of photo editing. I do use GIMP, but that is to scab together paints for the cars I race on iRacing. :lol: