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A-6E Intruder


Well-known member
…This isn’t as much a ‘project’ as much as something that I’ve been ‘tinkering’ with on-and-off since September. Now that’s not to say the kit isn’t worth the effort, it most certainly is, it’s just that I knew that the long run-up to Christmas would be extremely busy at work and at home so I resolved not to take this build too seriously.

So what you see here is the Italeri 1:72 A-6E, a real gem of a kit that goes together so much easier than the older (and lets be honest, exquisitely detailed), Fujimi kit. In fact the only filler needed on this one was at the front of the upper wing roots and around the radome/fuselage joint.

Ok, so enough of the yada, yada, yada, on with the ‘visual aids’:




The initial construction was very easy, the ‘pit is adequately detailed with raised switches and dials, the only trick that Italeri missed was that the Bombardier/Nav’s seat is set lower than the drivers but I can live with this omission. The GRU7 seats are nicely done with raised belts that are no problem to hand paint.

First paint job was to spray the bays white, then mask and on to the camouflage. I used Xtracolour enamels throughout:


First an overall coat of Light Compass Grey, followed by Dark Compass Grey on the topsides sprayed freehand without masking. The forward third of the wings & stabilisers (along with the area around the cockpit) were masked with rolls of Blu-Tack and sprayed Dark Blue/Grey.

As usual I cut the Xtracolours with a very pure cellulose thinner which came with me from the UK and is, unfortunately, beginning to run-out now. A really high gloss finish ensued.




Hang-on, more in a minute.

Next I decided to try something ‘new’. Borrowing heavily from Matrixone’s idea box, I ‘mottled’ some lighter and darker greys over the airframe to represent the ‘spot painting’ you see on most (all ?), TPS painted aircraft. When I was done, I wasn’t certain I’d done enough, then I thought it may be too much, so swallowed hard and reminded myself that I wasn’t supposed to be taking this build too seriously.



So I added the decals and hoped it would be all OK !!



The decals are from a Hi-Decal Line sheet (72-029). They don’t react too well to Micro-Sol and have silvered a little, but again I can live with it… just.

As I was in the mood for trying ‘new stuff’ I also changed my photo backdrop from the pale blue I’ve been using for the last two years to black… I like this a LOT !!

Loadout was always going to asymmetrical, after a lot of ‘humming-and-hahhring’ in-the-end I decided on two fuel tanks, two MER’s and a captive Walleye.


Stay tuned, (even) more to come.

So now it was time to dirty-up the poor wee thing, so I mixed up my usual ‘dirty black’ (Paynes Grey and Raw Umber), oil wash but lightened it a little with Pure White and a touch of Cobalt Blue.





At the end of the process, whilst I was content with the panel line wash, the decals were just too ‘loud’, so I decided it was time to try another new (but actually very old) technique.

I have a number of different varnish ‘cocktails’ all pre mixed and thinned, for the Intruder I decided to use a 50/50 Satin/Matt mix, but with a small drop of thinned matt grey mixed in to tone-down the black decals. Unfortunately I neglected to photograph the result until I finished building the thing…

…which I did today !!

Kit - Italeri 1:72
Paint - All Xtracolour enamels.
Decals - Hi-Decal Line (72--029)
Extras - AGM-62 'Walleye' from Hasegawa Weapons set. Aero 300 US gallon droptanks from Fujimi A-4 kit.

Grumman A-6E (TRAM) Intruder
VA-85 'Black Falcons'
USS America, 1993








...and how it looked, before it got 'messy' !!


As ever thanks for taking the time to look and/or comment. Very best to everyone here, and please feel free to comment, critique or question.



:yipee - Ho ho ho.... 2,000 posts for me !!!!!
The Intruder has always been one of the few jets I like from the jet age and moving out of the WWII age-- and I really like what you did with this one- and in 1/72 no less. And I agree with the black backdrop- really makes the paint job pop!!!
Beautiful work. Always loved the Intruder. Especially after reading Flight of the Intruder.
So cool Ian, I know you're proud of this one. Funny how the ones that we don't take too seriously turn out so great. (y)
Great job on your Intruder Ian!

Another way to tone down the decals is to spray on a light coat of thinner tinted with a pale version of the base color. The method you used worked excellent. :good:

Thanks all, very positive comments and always appreciated. So other than finishing Dads Catalina, this will be my 'Year of Building Jets'. Have to say, this wee Intruder was/is a nice way to start off.

Thanks again, glad y'all like it.
