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1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Finished

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Decals

That's mightly cool, so now a couple dozen clear coats to get it shiny?
1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Decals

Looking very good Joe ... I may have to pick your brain on car finishes seems mine always have a crakle finish ... could be the humidity here in Texas I suppose .... Carry on she's looking mighty fine ... :car
1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Decals

Many many thanks.

To be honest what I know about auto kits you could put in a thimble and have room to spare. As for the really shinny finish, if I go that way it will be with Novus.

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R The Chassis

A small update.

The under parts and the interior tub get some paint and a bit of drybrushing. Semi Gloss Black, Model Master Metalizer Stainless Steel, and then Testors Flat Aluminium.




Next will be detail work on the under parts and such.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R The Chassis

Just realised that whilst I've been following this project, I've not written anything... Sorry Joe, it's looking very good indeed, the Monogram (then Revell) '66 Mustang fastback is one of my favourite car kits, just falls together and looks superb.

Doing a great job, friend.

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R The Chassis

Hey I like the underside drybrush!

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R The Chassis

This is so cool. :ro:
This build is a big help to me....I can watch your build and ignore the piece of styrene on my bench, that refuses to form, conform, reform it's self into a model-sigh :huh: :lol:
1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Assorted Thingies

Well after a bit of a lengthy break I am back.

Work continues on the Mustang with engine work, chassis work, and work on the interior. Trying my hand at wiring the engine again. Hope it works better than the last time.






Next up is to finish with the plug wires and assorted wires and cables.

Til the next time.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Assorted Thingies

That stang is looking mighty sweet. Good start on the wiring. Kinds reminds me of my dad's 65 mustang when I was younger.

1966 Ford Mustang 350GT R Rolling Chassis

We have a rolling chassis. The engine is now installed as well.





Next is to mate the body to the chassis.

All comments, critiques, and criticism are encouraged.
